Ive come to the conclusion that if it wasn't for women that we wouldn't have Christmas.
Point #1- I put up the tree, decorations, stockings, and lights.
-My husband plugs everything in.
(don't strain yourself hubby)
Point #2-I buy all of the gifts for both sides of the family, including several of my own.
-My hubby asks how much did you spend?
Point #3-I wrap all presents, including my own.
-My husband asks Christmas Eve if he needs to wrap my presents or not?
(already done sweetie, already done)
Point #4-I bake lots of goodies during the holiday season.
- My husband eats and then asks when I plan on making more.
I think that Santa had a sex change many, many years ago because only a woman could get everything done in time for Christmas. Her name was Santa Clara but changed it to Santa Claus after the sex change. And thats my theory!