Preston loves his hulk shirt, his hulk figurines and to watch the hulk movie trailer on the computer. He wants to watch the trailer 10x's a day even though it scares him. He knows when the scary parts come on and he runs to the other room and then runs back when he knows that part is over. Yep, my kid likes to be scared. On a few occasions he has run into the bathroom afterwards and said the hulk scared the pee right out of him. I think he has a good future in the haunted house business.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
snooze and sirens
Snoring along in the middle of the night only to be woken by tornado sirens at 12:30am, I can tell that this isnt going to be a good night already. Im pretty used to the tornado sirens since Ive moved to Ohio because we live close to the city so sirens are everywhere and they go off about 4 times a year and warn you to get to a basement. In case your wondering everyone in Ohio has basements although Im pretty certain the main reason is because the winters and needing to have a furnace down there. Anyways, for some reason I felt safer in our other home this is the first major storm in our new house. Maybe its because our old house was a safe ranch with basement and in between many other homes. It was close to the ground and a tornado would probably just skip right over it like hoping over a jump rope. Our new house all of the bedrooms are upstairs so we are up one more story, we still have a basement but I feel so open here, so exposed. The back of our house backs up to a field so there is nothing to slow it down before it gets to our house. The siren by the way is on top of a water tower that is only 1/4 a mile away from the house so yeah we hear them really well in fact we can actually hear the squeaking of the siren rotating, somebody needs to get up there with some WD40. At 12:30am we are adding items needed to the basement just in case. We already have water, flashlights, candles and matches but who doesn't love a box of club crackers. I grab my diaper bag that doubles as my purse because the last thing I want to do is to lose my license in a storm and spend 3 hours at the DMV to renew it, clothes because we are in our pjs and if Im going to be rescued I dont want to be in my pajamas, shoes and cell phone. At 1:30am they stop the sirens that had been going off for an hour and announce it safe and over. At 3:30am the house shakes from the aftermath storm that has now made its way on top of our house. Preston is now back into our bed because the storm, lightning, rain and wind is actually louder than the tornado sirens and it wakes him up immediately. In fact if my parents were in my house I would of climbed in bed with them too. I sense that a much needed nap is in our future today.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Things I love:
- Being a stay at home mom and taking the kids to the pool.
- Meeting new mommy's at the pool and having our sons get along really well.
- Preston behaving long enough to make friends at the pool.
- Prestons 3 year checkup tomorrow and no shots needed.
- My family in TN, my family in OH.
- Friends
- Talking to my Mammy on the phone, who is in her mid 90's, and hearing the happiness in her voice that is soothing and calming and puts a smile on my face.
- Watching my hubby and son together and realizing that they really are 2 peas in a pod and will soon gang up on me.
- Caffeine
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
When you have a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy in the house you automatically lose when it comes to the television and you soon realize that Disney now runs the show. Over the past week I have watched 20+ episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place and Camp Rock over and over. I even thought Camp Rock was better than High School Musical, did I just say that? I need a life!
Monday, June 23, 2008
The shutters and front door of the house were faded and we werent a big fan of the color so I painted them a dark sage so now the front of the house looks like this. Why do I put so many pics of our new house in my blog your probably asking. Well my entire family lives in TN and not all of them have or can visit so this is my way of sharing my life with those that cant travel or those that havent come to visit us yet. Hint Hint Uncle Moose and Aunt Mandy.

As the prices of just about everything goes up my thankful lists changes just a bit.
- Im thankful for even the slightest bit of rain so that I dont have to water my flowers.
- Im thankful for the breeze that we have had for the past 2 weeks and for the 70'ish degree weather that has allowed us to be air conditioner free for 2 weeks.
- Im thankful that the grocery store is just 2 miles away from the house.
- Im thankful that I enjoy cooking and we save going out to eat as a special treat.
- Im thankful that we have moved to an area where the kids are never bored and there is so much to do right at home.
- Im thankful that the gas prices is pushing everyone to want to do something better that will benefit my children as they get older and maybe even be better for the planet.
- Im thankful that we are surrounded by wonderful farms that sell safe fruit and vegetables for my children to eat.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I was tagged by a friend to answer the following so here it goes:
What was I doing 10 years ago? Who can remember that far back, I cant even remember what I was doing yesterday.
Five Snacks I Enjoy: Chips, Grapes, popsicles, popcorn & anything chocolate
Five Things on My To Do List Today: Grocery, clean house, take care of 3 year old son, laundry, make beds, take my son to potty 15 times throughout day for potty training, pick up toys 5 times a day, make breakfast, make lunch, make dinner, paint shutters, etc. etc. and the list goes on and on!
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:Pay off house, invest, have more children, share the wealth with family, own a krispy kreme doughnuts shop.
Five Jobs I have had: nurse, assistant, marketing analyst, project manager and mother
Five of my bad habits: eating to much junk food, spending too much money, gossiping, spoiling my kids, obsessing over the small stuff.
Five Places I have lived: Cleveland TN, Burns TN, Knoxville TN, Nashville TN, Columbus OH
What was I doing 10 years ago? Who can remember that far back, I cant even remember what I was doing yesterday.
Five Snacks I Enjoy: Chips, Grapes, popsicles, popcorn & anything chocolate
Five Things on My To Do List Today: Grocery, clean house, take care of 3 year old son, laundry, make beds, take my son to potty 15 times throughout day for potty training, pick up toys 5 times a day, make breakfast, make lunch, make dinner, paint shutters, etc. etc. and the list goes on and on!
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:Pay off house, invest, have more children, share the wealth with family, own a krispy kreme doughnuts shop.
Five Jobs I have had: nurse, assistant, marketing analyst, project manager and mother
Five of my bad habits: eating to much junk food, spending too much money, gossiping, spoiling my kids, obsessing over the small stuff.
Five Places I have lived: Cleveland TN, Burns TN, Knoxville TN, Nashville TN, Columbus OH
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
One Tough Summer
I believe that I have a much harder job raising our kids than my hubby's job where he goes into the office, sits in a nice comfy chair, drinks his Starbucks and has 8 hours of being whine free. However during the summer months I have to admit that he may just have a tougher job than me but only because during the summer the kids and I spend our time at our local pool which looks like this. Its a tough job but somebody has to do it!!! Enjoy your Starbucks honey.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Dining Room Complete:

My husband finished up another room while Preston and I were in TN. He laid hardwood floors down for me. My mom and I worked on the curtain while in TN so when I got home I had a new room and a new curtain to put as well. Project project is doing some work on the outside. Pics of that to come.
Before pics and after pics.

Whats on your bedside table? I think that a bedside table can tell a lot about a person. I also think that it would be fun to view other peoples bedside table to see what they have on it, Im not saying open any drawers or anything but just take a look at whats on top. I put more thought into whats on my table vs. the kitchen counter where I throw the mail and my keys. I have the following items on my bedside table: Whats on yours?
- lamp
- tissues
- picture of my hubby and me
- bible
- book
- baby monitor
- sippy cup that seems to reappear each night no matter how many times I take it downstairs.
- toy dinosaur
- chap stick
- mentholatum rub-I'm addicted to the stuff and put it under my nose when I'm stuffy and under my eyes when I have sinus problems.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

This is my son with my brother and sister in law. My brothers name is Christopher, we call him Moose, my sister in laws name is Amanda, we call her Mandy, their dogs name is Bass, we call him Hyper Bass, the pond that they are fishing at we call it Ford Pond because my sister in law accidentally drowned my brothers new Ford truck in it.
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