Things you might not know about me:
1. I go through a roll of paper towels in one week. I hate sponges and I dont like using dish towels to clean with so I use paper towels. We should buy stock in paper products because with 4 people in the house we use a lot of toilet paper as well.
2. I hate clutter and mess which is strange because growing up my room was never clean and clutter was my middle name.
3. My pantry has to be in order or it drives me nuts, can we say OCD.
4. I could wear flip flops all year long.
5. I have to drink something hot in the morning, either coffee or tea, anything with caffeine.
6. My favorite store is Target and I secretly wish I worked there so I could get a discount.
7. I cook dinner 6 nights a week and we have pizza the other night. We dont eat out for dinner. We eat out sometimes when guest come to visit, so please come visit so I can eat out and get a night off from cooking.
8. I miss Las Palmas restaurant.
9. I bribe my son on a regular basis to behave in public.
10. I let my son watch scary hulk videos on the computer, eat candy everynow and then and run around in just his underwear for most of the day.
11. We were contiplating taking Trinity to see the Jonas Brothers concert for her birthday and secretly I probably wanted to see them more than she did.
12. I will paint anything that doesnt move and I paint everything. Ive been known to paint lamps, picture frames and toilet paper holders to give them a new color and reuse instead of purchasing new.
Basically Im a flip flop cleaning fool with ocd that gives into her son. I can live with that!!!