- My old roommate and friend wrote a book
- Another room mate and friend is a christian singer and is married to Jeremy Camp
- A different room mate and friend created and writes the Daily Verse
- Many of my friends are amazing women, mothers and wives
- One of my friends here in OH is an inspiration to me in her marriage, friendship and love
- A friend of mine is such a great friend that we are like wonder twins and I love her to death cause she makes me smile and laugh
- Some of my friends work and have children and Im in ahh of how they make it all work at the end of the day.
- My friends have taken care of me when I have been sick
- My friends have seen me cry and listen when I needed to talk to someone
- I am blessed to have such great women as neighbors who are like extended families.
- My sister is one of my best friends and I enjoy talking to her every chance I get and she is a terrific aunt to my kids.
- My OH friends love me even though I dont like the Buckeyes
- My friends and their families do things with us on the weekends and we all have a blast.
- I have a friend and her daughter that are in heaven and I feel blessed to have called her my best friend since childhood and even though she is gone she is still a huge part of my life.
- I have friends that are involved in their community, schools and churches.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Why I feel blessed with the friends I have and how amazing they are.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Prestons teacher spoke to me this morning while I was volunteering at school and said that she needed help with Preston. She said that he is giving her the impression that he isnt paying attention although she said that she will ask him to repeat what she said and he does word for word. When I spoke to Preston he said that he is bored in class. I dont even know what to do about boredom, I cant help that this is repetitive stuff for him. At the beginning of school the teacher said that some kids would go home with one of the following to learn depending upon what they needed to work on abc's, numbers, letter sounds or sight words. Preston came home with sight words to assist him in reading which is doing a little reading already. Im at a loss at this point cause I dont want him to be so bored that he starts to dislike school . Who would of thought we would have this problem, fighting maybe, throwing food probably, but boredom never.
Monday, September 27, 2010
My little navy seal
Preston is starting to feel better and his cough is slowly starting to trickle away. While sick he would wake up coughing and come into our bedroom to sleep so it was easy to hear him coming down the hallway with his hacking cough, now that he is better he is still sneaking into our bedroom. The boy should be a navy seal with his no noise entrance, crawling into our bed and sneaking his way between Lowel and I. He can be quiet when he wants to be....which isnt often. Thank goodness he is feeling better now if we could just get him back to his routine of staying in his bed all night.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
From dollar store glass to this......
This is what I made yesterday. Its a dollar store glass hurricane and glued to the bottom with glass glue is a glass taper candle holder also from the dollar store. I used vinyl and my cricut to cut out the words Boo. It turned out really cute and now that I know I can do it, I plan on experimenting with several more glass items such as making a pedestal desert plate with a candle holder on the bottom. More pics to come as I try making more things.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Project fun
Ive been working on a new craft project but Im not ready to unveil it yet but I will say it includes glass, vinyl lettering, my cricut and E6000 glue. Man I love easy, inexpensive, projects.
Monday, September 20, 2010
I am not loving how most of the craft stores already have Christmas items out....and they have been out since August. People its not even Halloween yet and you already have Christmas up. Not to mention the old lady at the gym who takes old lady water aerobics who I overheard her say today in the locker room that she has her Christmas tree up already.....seriously. Ok I admit I get my decorations out a bit early but not a Christmas tree in September. The other lady that was standing there asked her why she got it out so early and she said to beat the rush..the rush of what? Is there some kind of contest that I dont know about thats be the first to put it out and win a prize. If thats the case then the crazy people who keep them up all year would win that. You know what Im talking about you have seen them lit up in their front rooms at night as you drive by their house and at first your thinking oh it must be a ficus tree only to realize nope its not, its a Christmas tree. If I hear Christmas music before I hear Boo Im gonna have to speak to a manager.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pimpin my pumpkins
I have seen black glitter pumpkins at Hobby Lobby and loved them, however, did not love the price. They were about $12 so I decided to make my own. I got some pumpkins from the dollar store, already had black spray paint and bought some black glitter for $2.89. The glitter did all these pumpkins plus there is still half a container of glitter left. I also made a letter B with glue on a pumpkin and then put glitter on it as well. I love how the black sparkly pumpkins glam things up a bit.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Waiting for dad

As soon as I start dinner Jazz the dog knows that it must be time for daddy to get home. He always runs to the door and just waits for him to arrive. With every car that passes he watches to see if its going to turn into our driveway. Here he is waiting, waiting, waiting for daddy cause apparently we arent enough entertainment for him and he would rather play with dad.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Poor Preston
Preston has been coughing for the past few days and not sleeping well so today I took him to doctor. He was running a bit of a fever last night and neither of us got any sleep whatsoever. He missed school and I glad I kept him home. There is a viral infection going on with cough, runny nose and stuff but the doctor confirmed that isnt what he has. His allergies are acting up and since Preston is borderline asthma and has been since he was 1 year old the allergies symptoms are starting to settle into his chest. Each year he gets bronchiolitis and it takes about 3 weeks for him to recover. I am hoping that we caught it soon enough this year so he walked out of the doctors office with cough medicine with codeine, singulair for his allergies and a new inhaler.
2 1/2 hours later from the doctor and lots of $ spent on medicine he is home laying on the couch. It took so long at the doctor because he has been tested for asthma before and they wanted to test him again since he gets bronchiolitis so often so he had to do the breathing treatments as well as breathing test again. Poor little boy, sometimes I cant help wonder if my lung issues and the weak spots that I have that caused my lung to collapse have been passed on to him in the form of weak spots.
2 1/2 hours later from the doctor and lots of $ spent on medicine he is home laying on the couch. It took so long at the doctor because he has been tested for asthma before and they wanted to test him again since he gets bronchiolitis so often so he had to do the breathing treatments as well as breathing test again. Poor little boy, sometimes I cant help wonder if my lung issues and the weak spots that I have that caused my lung to collapse have been passed on to him in the form of weak spots.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday night Preston and I went to play putt putt golf with my friend Stacey and her son, it was a mommy-son date night. Afterwards we went for ice cream. We had so much fun. On Saturday Preston had a football game and we lost but the boys played well and played hard. After the game we headed up to Coco Keys waterpark and relaxed, swam, ate and watched the kids play till they passed out. Its really nice having 2 indoor waterparks within 30 minutes of the house. Today the plans are to do a little housecleaning, grilling and whatever else we get into.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Its Fall Ya'll
Its fall here in the Bolin house. The leaves here are starting to change colors on a few of the trees outside, and the highs are in the 70's for the past few days. I started decorating because I love the fall season, I have a relay for life meeting at my house coming up, Im having a 31 purse party here at my house soon and because everyone knows I just cant wait for a reason to decorate.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Not my dog.....
We have had a stray dog come in and out of our yard for the past few days and someone in neighborhood called animal control about him. Preston though they were here for our dog so he was yelling at them dont take my dog away with lightsaber in hand and tears welling up in his eyes. This is what happens when you let your kids watch Bolt and Hotel for Dogs.
Sneeze, cough, aaacccchhoooo
Not feeling good today, it actually started yesterday and just got worse throughout the night. My throat is killing me, my head is stuffy and I have a runny nose. I never understood how your head could be stuffy with so much snot coming out. Shouldnt my runny nose ease my stuffy head kind of like a balloon with air, if you let the air out the balloon isnt so tight. I think my busy week just caught up with me. Today Im just taking an easy at home, laying on the couch and watching reruns of 7th Heaven. I love that show, too bad it stopped cause by now it might be 11th Heaven. I have about 5 cups of OJ in my belly and some chicken broth. I have Halls to suck on and tissues by my side. I should take advantage of the stillness in the house before little man gets off the bus from school. 7th Heaven is back on gotta go.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Friday night we met several friends for pizza and then went to the first home game of the local high school on their new turf field. It was a great time and we won-Yeah!!! Saturday we went to Preston football game in Pickerington and they won-Double Yeah!! There was some trash talking on the field as well and some of it was even from Preston-he wont tell us what he said to the boy from the other team but Im going to assume he said "wow you are are a great football player, maybe we can have lunch at McDonalds after the game" or it could of gone like this " my mom told me to put your face in the ground and thats exactly what Im about to do so please excuse the cleat marks on your back".
After the game we had lunch with football families then we headed to the pageant to watch our neighbor. Then it was off to a Labor Day party with friends with great food, great people and a lot of fireworks-it was fun even if the cops came cause somebody complained about the fire works. It has been a good weekend, busy but good.
Today I am finishing up posters for the Labor Day parade that will go on the football trucks and then Monday we are off to the parade. Good times good times.
After the game we had lunch with football families then we headed to the pageant to watch our neighbor. Then it was off to a Labor Day party with friends with great food, great people and a lot of fireworks-it was fun even if the cops came cause somebody complained about the fire works. It has been a good weekend, busy but good.
Today I am finishing up posters for the Labor Day parade that will go on the football trucks and then Monday we are off to the parade. Good times good times.
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