Friday, September 7, 2007

One of those days

It has started off to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Preston woke up early this morning and climbed into bed with us which meant that no one got a full nights sleep...again. The AEP meter reader got an earful this morning from some crazy lady wearing her pajamas ...ok the crazy lady was me, but he deserved it. I will tell you in a bit. And to top it off Preston is refusing breakfast and instead has asked me for a popsicle every 2 minutes. You'd think he would get tired of hearing the same answer "no you cant have a popsicle for breakfast". Nope, apparently he doesn't get tired of it. We settled on crackers and cheese...hey atleast he is eating something and it does contain calcium.

Ok back to the American Electric Power company (AEP). The meter reader that reads the meter in the back of our yard continues to jump our chain link fence coming in and leaving. Never mind that we have a gate, never mind that I have called to complain for the past 7 months, never mind that Ive spoken to managers, supervisors, and numerous customer service associates. Apparently the word isn't getting to the meter reader who still jumps the fence. I don't even jump my own fence so I don't want a stranger jumping my fence. If the meter reader was to break our fence guess who is responsible for that....yep we are. This fence is our only way of keeping the wild ones in (kids), this fence is the only thing between Preston and the busy street that he is amazed by and doesn't pass up the opportunity to toggle it with one foot on the driveway, one foot on the street. This fence is the only thing that keeps Preston from chasing dogs, firetrucks and who knows what else down the street. Its one thing for us to break it but its entirely another thing for someone else to break it. After seeing him jump it once again this morning I marched outside in my pajamas with my crazy morning hair and told him to stop jumping my ____(insert bad word) fence. I let him know that Ive complained numerous times and pretty sure he has been told not to do it so why do you continue. Ok are you ready for this, this is his answer. "Ummm ok". Thats the answer I got. The crazy lady wearing her pajamas must of scared him so much that the only answer he could give me was Ummm ok.

After going off on the meter reader, coming in to realize that my pajamas had cheese on them, seeing my hair for the first time this morning in the mirror...yikes, calling AEP once again to complain and getting the same answer "it wont happen again" and me giving them the same answer "Ive heard that before and I dont come to your house and jump your fence so dont jump mine"......I gave into the popsicle so for breakfast this morning my son is eating cheese, crackers and a popsicle.

Id move to Australia, but Im pretty sure they have days just like this as well.

(Best book in the world for adults and kids...Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, very bad day. by Judith Viorst)

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