Saturday, January 19, 2008

  • My neighborhood grocery store has finally stocked up on Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil Triscuits...welcome back into my life. You have been missed.
  • Summer must be around the corner cause the grocery store also has fresh corn on the cob for the first time all winter. My mouth is watering already for grilled corn on the cob, excuse me while I wipe the drool from my face.
  • Working out 3-4 nights a week at the local Y is paying off and my ass is getting smaller ....its about time ass, thanks for finally keeping up with the rest of the bod.
  • I'm getting excited about moving and getting the chance to decorate a house all over again. This will be my chance to go bold this time and use some different color. My advice to my husband is to just shut your eyes and don't open them till all is said and done. Don't panic its just paint.
  • Potty training my 2 year old son...I'm tempted to hook up a bucket on my son's Diego tool belt and let him wear it all day and just empty as needed.
  • I got my hubby a Rubik Cube for Christmas and let me tell you he spends a lot of time trying to figure it out. Its not just a game anymore it has turned into a mission for him. Wives if you want a little bit of time to yourself buy him a rubik cube, it will drive him nuts but give you enough time to grab a book and soak in the tub. A woman would just put it down and say oh well but a man HAS to figure it out.

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