Friday, February 29, 2008
I am full of frustration when it comes to our house. We were supposed to be closing on our home today and instead we are not. Apparently the bank needs more time, or maybe the buyer is having second thoughts, or maybe its because we have had snow for the past 2 weeks nonstop (ok its probably not that last one but snow for 2 weeks sucks). Either way our house is not closing today. And of course as you know from my previous posts we are still showing the house and we have had 5 showings in 4 days with 3 of those showings being this morning from 10am-1pm. It is very hard to entertain a 2 year old in a car for 3 hours. On top of finding out that the house isnt closing today I also found out that the 2 homes that were on my list for us to place an offer on already have offers on the table and they could possibly be gone by the time we close on our house. The last thing we want is to put an offer on another house and in the end not close on ours right away and have 2 mortgages. If we arent able to put an offer on another house it puts me right back at square one and I hate square one. I knew going into this process that it would be frustrating, that it would be more difficult than just purchasing our first house because we didnt have one at that time to sell, I knew that it would take longer, however, what I didnt expect is that I would rather pull each and every one of the hairs on my head out with dull tweezers that takes more than one pull to actually get it out of my head because that would be less painful and atleast I would know the results at the end.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Where was I?????
Where was I during a recent conversation between my husband and our realtor? We close on our house at the end of this month and yet we are still showing our house to other people. Im assuming the conversation went something like this...
Hubby-Yes we will sell our house and close at the end of the month
Realtor-Do you still want to show it in the meantime
Hubby-Sure, lets show it as much as we can because my wife has nothing better to do other than raise our 2 year old son, try and pack our house up, find another house for us to live in and clean our house from top to bottom so we can continue to show it to others.
Where was I during a recent conversation between my husband and our realtor? We close on our house at the end of this month and yet we are still showing our house to other people. Im assuming the conversation went something like this...
Hubby-Yes we will sell our house and close at the end of the month
Realtor-Do you still want to show it in the meantime
Hubby-Sure, lets show it as much as we can because my wife has nothing better to do other than raise our 2 year old son, try and pack our house up, find another house for us to live in and clean our house from top to bottom so we can continue to show it to others.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My idea of my husbands love for me.....
- Love is getting me coffee when I need it the most
- Love is knowing which buttons not to push
- Love is coming home and playing on the floor with our kids
- Love is eating what Ive cooked even if you particarly dont like it
- Love is changing our sons diaper without being asked
- Love is letting me choose our next house (your gonna let me do this one, arent you?)
- Love is not complaining about the mounds of toys on the living floor
- Love is letting me sleep on your side of the bed with you
- Love is looking at my son and seeing you
- Love is loving me through good times and bad, sickness, headaches, mood swings, pms, cravings, I feel fat days, I heard a noise get up from our warm bed and see what it is, loving me in my warn out pj's with fuzzy socks, and loving me enough to know that I just need to soak in a hot tub and distracting our son long enough to get 5 minutes to myself before he jumps in.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
We woke up this morning to a lot of snow so the only sane thing to do was to go out and play.
Who cares that we almost froze to death, who cares that we couldnt feel anything for an hour after coming inside, who cares that our runny noses froze to our upper lip. This could be the last snow of the season and we werent going to miss it.
We werent the only ones brave enough to endure the cold weather, at the first sight of snow our neighbor gets out the snow blower and always clears our driveway and sidewalk out of the kindness of his heart. Over the past couple of years we have come to realize that he loves snow and is like a kid with a toy that he only gets to use a few times each year. He ran outside this morning when he saw me get the snow shovel to clear the driveway and yelled "I'll do it, I'll do it"!!! No argument here.
This is a picture of our neighbor clearing our driveway and a picture of Preston trying to imitate our neighbor with his own snowblower (bubble blower).

Sunday, February 10, 2008
This is a brag session:
Preston is 2 and has been in the pool since the age of 4 months. He loves to swim, he loves the water. He doesnt love to let go, he has to hold onto someone in the pool even if its a finger of the other person. Today he finally let go, he finally swam on his own and then we couldnt get him out of the pool. He had a blast once he realized that he could do it. There was some screaming when I tricked him into letting go of my finger but it was over fast. If only everything could be that easy.
Preston is 2 and has been in the pool since the age of 4 months. He loves to swim, he loves the water. He doesnt love to let go, he has to hold onto someone in the pool even if its a finger of the other person. Today he finally let go, he finally swam on his own and then we couldnt get him out of the pool. He had a blast once he realized that he could do it. There was some screaming when I tricked him into letting go of my finger but it was over fast. If only everything could be that easy.

Saturday, February 9, 2008
My sister in law in TN tagged me so I figured I would share my answers on this blog for kicks. Only if I didnt have an asnwer or didnt like the question I just flat out deleted it.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:15
2. Diamonds or pearls? Both, I love diamonds and wear pearls for my sons birthstone
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? The last star wars movie, I was pregnant
4. What is your favorite TV show? Nip Tuck
5. What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee
6. What is your middle name? Renee
7. What food do you dislike? Peas
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I dont listen to CDs because the car DVD player is always on.
9. What kind of car do you drive? Nissan Xterra
10. Favorite sandwich? PB&J
11. Favorite item of clothing? warm fuzzy socks
12. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Hawaii
13. What color is your bathroom? sage green
14. Favorite brand of clothing? who cares as long as its comfortable
15. Where would you retire? According to my husband Kooskia Idaho
16. Most memorable birthday? 21
17. Favorite Sport to watch? Football
18. Favorite saying? For the love
19. When is your birthday? January 27th
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
21. What is your shoe size? 7 1/2
22. Favorite food for Dinner? steak sandwiches
23. What did you want to be when you were little? A nurse
24. What are you doing today? Stay at home mom
25. What is your favorite candy? Reeses pieces
26. What is your favorite flower? yellow roses
27. What day are you looking forward to most on your calendar? November 23rd-our anniversary
28. What are you listening to right now? Disney channel with kids
29. What was the last thing you ate? pizza
30. Do you wish on stars? Yes
31. Do you believe in Angels? Yes
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:15
2. Diamonds or pearls? Both, I love diamonds and wear pearls for my sons birthstone
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? The last star wars movie, I was pregnant
4. What is your favorite TV show? Nip Tuck
5. What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee
6. What is your middle name? Renee
7. What food do you dislike? Peas
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I dont listen to CDs because the car DVD player is always on.
9. What kind of car do you drive? Nissan Xterra
10. Favorite sandwich? PB&J
11. Favorite item of clothing? warm fuzzy socks
12. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Hawaii
13. What color is your bathroom? sage green
14. Favorite brand of clothing? who cares as long as its comfortable
15. Where would you retire? According to my husband Kooskia Idaho
16. Most memorable birthday? 21
17. Favorite Sport to watch? Football
18. Favorite saying? For the love
19. When is your birthday? January 27th
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night
21. What is your shoe size? 7 1/2
22. Favorite food for Dinner? steak sandwiches
23. What did you want to be when you were little? A nurse
24. What are you doing today? Stay at home mom
25. What is your favorite candy? Reeses pieces
26. What is your favorite flower? yellow roses
27. What day are you looking forward to most on your calendar? November 23rd-our anniversary
28. What are you listening to right now? Disney channel with kids
29. What was the last thing you ate? pizza
30. Do you wish on stars? Yes
31. Do you believe in Angels? Yes
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Home dating service
Homes for sale should come with warnings. After looking at nearly 1200 homes online and visiting 25+ homes this week, I have decided that a picture is not worth a thousand words. A few of the homes we have visited should have warnings such as our neighbors house is on blocks, so is the car because we took off the tires to use in our yard for our flowers. Or the front of the house looks great however the back needs work.......the back of the house caught on fire so there was no back on the house. Could of mentioned that before we all piled into the car to go lookatya. Homes for sale is kind of like a dating service, you only put your best side forward and hide all the rest. You show a picture of the front of the house but not the back (although I have to admit that I wouldnt put a picture of my backside on a dating service website either). If we were to put a warning on our current home it would say this house is not good for cheating, you can not sneak into our house at all hours of the night because the squeeky floors will get you every time. Neither my husband nor I have tried sneaking into our own home ,however ,we have tried checking on the kids, getting something to drink from the kitchen and so forth and the floors tell on you each time. Cheaters you have been warned, look else where.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I would of never thought.....
- I would of never thought that even though we have a contract on our house, all is not said and done and therefore we are still showing our house just in case things fall through at the very end. We had a showing on Sunday and they showed up 30 minutes early and we were still home...AWKWARD.
- I would of never thought that someone could spend 6 out of 7 days a week looking at homes and still not find the one that fits our family the best.
- I would of never thought that I would ever say Im tired of looking at homes, I have looked at over 1200 homes online and actually driven and looked at 25+ in the past week.
- I would of never thought that the portable car DVD player that we bought for $49.99 would come in so handy for my son as I drive around looking at homes. I pack movies, snacks, sippy cup, coffee, paper, pen and map and off we go for several hours a day. Preston stays in the car and watches movies as I peek through windows of the homes to see if Im interested....people really should close their blinds!!!!
And to think that I get to do all of this over on Monday. YEAH!
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