When you move you never know what your going to get, thats true with landscaping as well. You never know what has already been planted, what spring will bring and you wait to see what will pop up out of the ground next. These are one of my favorite things in our backyard and they line the backyard and side of the house. They smell wonderful and are beautiful. I believe they may be some type of cherry blossom but not 100% sure. Im waiting for one of my 3 moms to tell me what they are (mom, stepmom, motherinlaw). 

We bought rubber mulch this weekend for Prestons sand box because we arent fans of sand and he just pushes stuff around with his dumptrucks and bulldozers anyways and we are now looking into putting this around the house for mulch instead of the real stuff. This rubber mulch says its nontoxic, repells insects, wont fade for 10-15 years , wont blow away, no mold and looks just like the real stuff. They have it in several colors so we are looking for the black now. Its 100% safe for people and plants so Im all for it if I dont have to replace my mulch every spring.
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