Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Persevering Preston
Preston has become one busy little fellow. Monday we have pool day, Tuesday we have play date, Wednesday is movie morning and its Kung Fu Panda so we cant miss that, Thursday we are walking through some PreK facilities to sign Preston up for next year (crazy that you have to do that a year in advance here), and on Friday Trinity is coming so we will be back at the pool. Im going to need a nap somewhere throughout the week. Nap and maybe a calgon bath. Nap, calgon bath and maybe some Starbucks coffee. Nap, calgon bath, Starbucks coffee and maybe some chocolate. Ok I could go on and on so Im just going to take a nap in my calgon bath with some sort of chocolate Starbucks drink in my hand.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The only time I can get away with dancing in my pj's with 3-D glasses on.
Why its fun having another girl in the house other than myself. My stepdaughter is a huge Hannah Montana fan so this Saturday night we spent the evening in front of the tv watching the Hannah Montana 3-D concert on Disney channel. And yes you better believe we had our 3-D glasses (Walmart was given them out the week prior to the program). Whats a better way of spending your Saturday evening then watching Hannah Montana through 3-D glasses with popcorn, M&M's and in our pajamas. Trinity, my stepdaughter had her Hannah pjs on. I dont think they make Hannah Montana pjs in my size but if they did it would be a hard decision to make to sleep wearing Hannah Montana or the cute Jonas Brothers. Wow those Jonas Brothers, I will just leave it at that.

Friday, July 25, 2008
Child's interpretation of a rainbow
Preston saw a rainbow for the first time the other day and Im pretty sure that many rainbows have been in the sky during his life but since he can now name colors it was easier to point it out to him. I told him that it was sent from God to make us happy. He immediately said mommy you have to close your eyes, hold hands, and then we have to eat. He has associated the name God with eating because at mammys house we say the God is great, God is good let us thank him for our food prayer and then we eat. I informed him that we just ate and he informed me that God made the rainbow and now we have to eat. He settled on a popsicle instead. God made popsicles too!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mommy group
Today the mommy group that I belong to met for a day of scrapbooking while the kids played together. Preston and I had so much fun. Its really nice to hang out with other stay at home moms. We met at Amy's house with lunch and scrapbooking items in hand and spent the next several hours talking, scrapbooking and just enjoying the day. The kids all got along and played so well together, they also play at the pool together so it helped that they already knew one another. By the end of our play date I had eaten a great lunch, laughed, finished 3 pages of my scrapbooking,
enjoyed spending time with everyone and was grateful that Preston is making friends and enjoying himself as well.
enjoyed spending time with everyone and was grateful that Preston is making friends and enjoying himself as well.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Diaper duty-no more
We just won a Million Dollars!!! Just kidding, however, we will probably save ourselves a million dollars now because finally Preston is potty trained. He has been accident free for a few weeks so Id say we are diaper free at this point. Whats that? No more diapers, how will we survive? What will we do with out all of those stinky diapers in our trash? What will we do with all that extra money? Id say something cool like we are going to Disneyland but we aren't, atleast not yet. So the only cool thing I can say is that we celebrated by buying him Hulk toys.
Friday, July 18, 2008
We didn't go to the pool on Thursday because we needed a break. I had a lot of other things to do and we were there Tuesday, Wednesday, today and probably going on Saturday so that's more than enough pool water for me. Instead on Thursday Preston and I headed to Home Depot, what seems like our 2nd home lately, because we are always needing something from there. We bought potting soil, shrubs and a new faucet. My mission was to finally move some things around in the front flower beds. I planted a few things since we moved in and some things were already here. The things that were already here drove me nuts and I mean that every time I passed by the front door with windows I would look and wonder why..why. Call me crazy but I like unison, I like everything in its place even in the flower beds. I think the previous owners of the house liked her things sporadic. No rhyme or reason as to why things are planted here and there. Yesterday after putting Preston down for nap, I hooked the baby monitor to my britches (that's one of my favorite words, saying britches drives my husband crazy but I love the southern sound of it), and headed out to bring back the harmony that my flower beds were craving. I moved things around, put in new shrubs and grouped everything where I felt they belonged. Afterwards covered from head to toe in dirt I was finally able to view my flower garden with awe. Except that now I can only see that we need mulch. Im closing my eyes now and going back inside.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Upon becoming a mother I thought about what my days would be like. It would be full of laughter, playing with my son, baking cookies, cleaning, taking him to the park, playing ball, swinging, learning his ABC's, tickling, jumping on trampoline, swimming, and talking walks while pulling him in the wagon. I never imagined that I would be reenacting the street fight scene between the Hulk and Abomination with my son who insist that we do it several times a day.
One of the days maybe he will let me be the Hulk.
(copy and paste in your browser to see what Im talking about )
One of the days maybe he will let me be the Hulk.
(copy and paste in your browser to see what Im talking about )
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The "NO" game
If I hear Preston tell me "NO" one more time Im going to scream, shout, run around outside in complete hysteria, stuff orea cookies in my ears, shove myself down the laundry shoot. Ok I cant fit down the laundry shoot but the cookie idea isnt half bad. I must have told him to stop doing wrong things atleast a dozen times yesterday. Such as stop cutting line at the water slide, stop splashing me, etc. etc. and yet I got the same answer NO. I made him get off the slide and stay off the remainder of the time at the pool in hopes that he would learn his lesson. While at home he got a time out for telling no when I told him to pick up his toys, he got a swat on the butt when he told me no when I told him to stop throwing grapes. I would be satisfied if I never heard him say no to me ever again. I was so frustrated that I talked to my mom on the phone who asked me if I ever learned my lesson and if I ever stopped saying no to only honest answer was No. Enough said!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Conclusions of the week:
-The dollar store has great buys such as everyday cleaning products that work just as well as the stuff that you pay 3x as much at other stores.
-Not so good is that the dollar store also has lotion that is creamy petroleum jelly that smells just like a goodyear tire. Yeah I tried it and smelled like I had worked all day with a road crew.
-Popsicles are good no matter what age you are.
-Pizza is Gods gift to women who dont feel like cooking.
-I will miss being a stay at home mom once Preston goes to school. Translation going to work all day instead of the pool or movies with my son is going to suck.
-Ornamental grass is sharp and you should wear long sleeves and pants when transplanting.
-Sweating while moving ornamental grass after not wearing long sleeves and getting cuts all over your arms and legs really does HURT!
-I will never be as tan as my son. This is what he looks like after one month at the pool, by month two he looks like I adopted him from the desert.

-I came across wall words while at Hobby Lobby and they are much easier to put up than trying to stencil. I put this up in our kitchen above our stove.
-The dollar store has great buys such as everyday cleaning products that work just as well as the stuff that you pay 3x as much at other stores.
-Not so good is that the dollar store also has lotion that is creamy petroleum jelly that smells just like a goodyear tire. Yeah I tried it and smelled like I had worked all day with a road crew.
-Popsicles are good no matter what age you are.
-Pizza is Gods gift to women who dont feel like cooking.
-I will miss being a stay at home mom once Preston goes to school. Translation going to work all day instead of the pool or movies with my son is going to suck.
-Ornamental grass is sharp and you should wear long sleeves and pants when transplanting.
-Sweating while moving ornamental grass after not wearing long sleeves and getting cuts all over your arms and legs really does HURT!
-I will never be as tan as my son. This is what he looks like after one month at the pool, by month two he looks like I adopted him from the desert.

-I came across wall words while at Hobby Lobby and they are much easier to put up than trying to stencil. I put this up in our kitchen above our stove.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Fun Wednesdays
Our local movie theater during the months of July and August have kids day at the movies on Wednesdays. It starts at 10am and for $2.50/person you get a movie ticket and free popcorn. Not a bad deal which means that Preston and I both can see a movie for $5. I stashed drinks in the diaper bag and we munched away on our free popcorn while watching Horton Hears a Who. Whats nice about it is that its cheap, its SAHM (stay at home moms) and lots of kids so if your kid acts up, who cares because so are all of the other kids. Each week a new movie plays so we have a chance to also see Nims Island, Bee Movie, Kung Fu Panda, Kit Kittredge:An American Girl, and Space Chimps in the new few weeks.
Monday, July 7, 2008
4th of July
This 4th of July we spent the weekend at my inlaws. We bathed and put the kids in their pj's and headed out Thursday night to watch fireworks. They were really good but Preston is still scared of them. He isnt scared of the fireworks itself he doesnt like the noise so once I covered his ears he did just fine. We also took the kids to a movie. It was Prestons first movie and my first movie since Id been pregnant. We went to see Wall-E and it was very cute. I would recommend it to all ages.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Underoos-so cute they need to come in adult sizes
Prestons favorite underwear are the hulk ones that we told him he cant pee on otherwise the hulk will get upset. Now when he goes to potty afterwards he says look mom the hulk didnt get big and get me, he is still small and on my butt. He is so going to need therapy when we are done with him. If they made underoos in adult sizes I bet that they would sell fast, who wouldnt want to secretly wear the hulk or strawberry shortcake under their business attire.

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