-The dollar store has great buys such as everyday cleaning products that work just as well as the stuff that you pay 3x as much at other stores.
-Not so good is that the dollar store also has lotion that is creamy petroleum jelly that smells just like a goodyear tire. Yeah I tried it and smelled like I had worked all day with a road crew.
-Popsicles are good no matter what age you are.
-Pizza is Gods gift to women who dont feel like cooking.
-I will miss being a stay at home mom once Preston goes to school. Translation going to work all day instead of the pool or movies with my son is going to suck.
-Ornamental grass is sharp and you should wear long sleeves and pants when transplanting.
-Sweating while moving ornamental grass after not wearing long sleeves and getting cuts all over your arms and legs really does HURT!
-I will never be as tan as my son. This is what he looks like after one month at the pool, by month two he looks like I adopted him from the desert.

-I came across wall words while at Hobby Lobby and they are much easier to put up than trying to stencil. I put this up in our kitchen above our stove.

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