Thursday, November 20, 2008

What was I thinking????

This is going to be the first Christmas in our new house and so I got this bright idea, or so I thought so at the time, to invite everyone on our court to our house for a dessert party. Obviously I was not thinking this through because our court has 21 homes on it, I must now begin to put up Christmas decorations in preparation for this event so our house is partly decorated already and its not even Thanksgiving. I did not decorate the outside of our house, its bad enough the inside is already done. We don't want the neighbors talking about us like we do the house down the road who already has every shred of Christmas decor out, every light on, every wreath hung, and every reindeer posing in the yard. They have had that stuff up since the day after Halloween. No sir-re, I'm a closet decorator, I wont pull out the big guns till its time and then every bush will have twinkle, every window will have a wreath, but until then its indoors only. I must be out of mind!!!
P.S .Dear Hubby-your not allowed to comment on this post, I already know you think Im crazy and out of my mind!

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