Monday, September 28, 2009
Food + sick=a lot of spot shot carpet cleaner
Today Preston came home from school not feeling well, honestly he has been coughing for a week but that was about it and he has been saying that he doesn't feel well for a while, apparently tonight he meant it. He now has a fever and his food decided to leave his belly and land all over the floor. Not sure if its flu but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that its not.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Today we went to look at granite countertops at a warehouse and it was a bit overwhelming and exciting. Ive always wanted granite and I could of stayed there all day looking and touching each piece of granite they were all so beautiful. Here is a pic of the color of granite that we like its called New Venetian Gold and it has specks of golden color, brown and black. Im keeping my fingers crossed and wondering what is is that Im going to have to do to get this granite......
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Kitchen quotes
I have a chalkboard in my kitchen that I like to put cute kitchen sayings on, I try and change it up about once a week. Some of my favorite are:
- BAM doesn't mean the same thing in my kitchen as it does in Emeril's
- Candy solves everything
- Kiss my Grits
- If we are what we eat, then I'm easy, fast and cheap!
- My next house will have no kitchen...just vending machines
- If you don't like my cooking, lower your standards
- Open the fridge and take a look - first to complain is next week's cook!
- Everytime I cuss I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
- Yes, Grandma cooked 3 full meals from scratch 3 times a day, 7 days a week. That was in 1935, just before she left the family. Now, do you want those full meals, or do you want to keep me around?
Sneak peak
This is the only spot in our family room that is actually clean from the renovations, we still haven't moved the furniture back in but somehow Ive gone ahead and decorated for priorities are so right on.

Here is a pic of our new kitchen table. Ive been looking for a gathering table for a while now but didn't want to pay the price, even on craigslist they were a bit much. I found this at a yard sale this past weekend for $85. Right now its just kinda hanging out in the middle of the kitchen till we figure out where we want everything to go.

Here is a pic of our new kitchen table. Ive been looking for a gathering table for a while now but didn't want to pay the price, even on craigslist they were a bit much. I found this at a yard sale this past weekend for $85. Right now its just kinda hanging out in the middle of the kitchen till we figure out where we want everything to go.

Monday, September 21, 2009
I am plumb tuckered out. Over the past week we have been working on the house. The pony wall that separated the kitchen and family room is gone and the hardwood floors are down. Today I took Preston to school, went to home depot, went to walmart, went to bootcamp, picked up Preston and then spent the next 4 hours painting the family room walls. Bootcamp kicked my butt, painting after bootcamp kicked everything else. We are 95% done with just a few minor things to finish up and then I will post pics. I hear Aleve calling my name.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Bedtime stories
I told Preston the other night that God helps little boys grow in their sleep but only in their own beds. This was my way of talking Preston out of sneaking into our bed at night. Tonight he asked if he slept in our bed would God let him grow, of course I said no (yeah I so lied but you would to with a 40 pound boy kicking you all night) that God only helps you grow in your bed. He then turned around and said I guess I will always be small then.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Preschool drop off
Just dropped Preston off at his first day of preschool . While in the car we said a little prayer that God would watch over him and let him have a good day while playing and afterwards Preston said God is going to play with me like he is playing with Taz (my sisters dog). A little difficult to explain that God and Taz would not be joining him on the playground but that they would be watching him from above. When we got out of the car he did great, he went right in, hung up his bookbag and said bye mommy. Oh if only I were that brave because I turned around walked out the door got int
o my car
and cried.

First day of preschool
My little boy, you are still asleep upstairs and soon I will wake you up for your first day of preschool. I'm trying my best not to cry and instead think about the 3 hours a day, 3 days a week that I will have to myself but I cant seem to get past the fact that I will be without you for 3 hours, 3 days a week and tears are already hitting the keyboard. Did you have to grow up so fast, do you have to be such a big boy? Don't you want to stay here with mommy and play with me instead of going off to school and learning new and exciting things, we have snack time here, we read books, we play, we....OK I know you need to venture out on your own. My camera is ready to take lots of pictures, your vitamins are on the counter ready for you to take, your breakfast is awaiting you along with orange juice so you will have lots of energy for your day, your backpack is packed with an extra pair of clothes, and now Im thinking that someone should be holding my hand to get me through this day. Preston, we are so proud of you and we know that big things await you. You will make lots of friends and have so much fun. I promise not to embarrass you to much this morning and to be on time each day to pick you up. I promise that this is just as hard on me as it is you and just as exciting as well. I love you son and remember your manners, give your teachers a break, try not to fart or burp and for goodness sakes when you do don't announce it to others like you do at home, have a great time and be kind to the little girls. I love you and I'm proud of you, go out there and give em' hell son!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day weekend
Living in Canal Winchester during Labor Day Festivities is awesome...Im just saying and I may be slightly bias. This is the one time that our little township puts on a weekend of festivities for the entire family. They have kiddie carnival rides, carnival food, great food from local restaurants, beer tent, games, pageants, car shows , parade and much more. In fact I can smell the kettle corn cooking now from only a few blocks away. We dont usually take the kids to the county fair because lets face it, its a bit scary around all of the people that only come out of their houses once a year to attend the fair, I would literally have to put a leash on Preston to keep up with him and carnie people freak me out. We hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Bolin house changes
Kitchen and family room redo: Changes are coming our way soon (not soon enough) and I cant wait to get started on them, only I cant start on anything it all comes down to my husbands schedule. Man I hate having to wait. I have no patience when it comes to projects, once its in my mind I have to start right then and there. The new projects are:
- Put in new slider door that was taken out of in laws house because it is much nicer, sturdier and better than the cheaper one that came with this house. Out with the old in with the handmedown.
- Pull up existing carpet in family room
- Take out pony wall that separates kitchen and family room
- put in a new section of lower and upper cabinets in kitchen
- put down hardwood floor throughout kitchen and family room
- replace counter tops with granite or other kind of stone
- have sister come up and teach me to tile fireplace and back splash in kitchen
Picture to come soon.
prepping for preschool
Today was Preston's preschool orientation for kids, parents and teachers. He starts on Wednesday so it was good to meet the other kids before the big day. He has 16 kids in his class and only 6 are boys and 10 girls. Girls definitely rule this class but Im sure that our son will fit in just fine since hubby has taught him dialect with the ladies such as hubba hubba, how you doin'. Preston had a good time and played with everyone, before going in he asked if I was going to go in with him and stay and I said yes today but not next week. He dint say much but I could see the wheels turning. I also discovered this morning since he has to wear tennis shoes and not crocs like we have been wearing all summer that his tennis shoes didn't fit him. Size 12 people, the 4 year old boy is in a size 12. He is growing up so fast.
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