Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kitchen quotes

I have a chalkboard in my kitchen that I like to put cute kitchen sayings on, I try and change it up about once a week. Some of my favorite are:
  • BAM doesn't mean the same thing in my kitchen as it does in Emeril's
  • Candy solves everything
  • Kiss my Grits
  • If we are what we eat, then I'm easy, fast and cheap!
  • My next house will have no kitchen...just vending machines
  • If you don't like my cooking, lower your standards
  • Open the fridge and take a look - first to complain is next week's cook!
  • Everytime I cuss I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
  • Yes, Grandma cooked 3 full meals from scratch 3 times a day, 7 days a week. That was in 1935, just before she left the family. Now, do you want those full meals, or do you want to keep me around?

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