Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All in a days work

Today Preston and I had lunch with a neighbor who also just happens to the be wife of the Vice President of HR at Lowels work. It was a nice lunch up until the point that Preston asks her to pull his finger. Luckily she laughed out loud and said that was the funnies thing she had heard all day. She wouldnt survive in our house.

This is the conversation I had with Preston during his bathtime:

Me-Preston if your going to put your face under the water hold your breath so you dont swallow the bubbles.


Me- Because they could make your tummy ache and you might get sick

Preston-So I might throw up

Me- Yes

Preston- So I might throw up on myself, you, dad, or Trinity


Preston- So if I throw up on the floor and if Jazz (our dog) eats it will he throw up

Me-Im not sure but maybe

Preston-So if I throw up how long will it last

Me-Not sure

Preston- So if I throw up. (At this time I interrupt the sentence.)

Me-Dude I dont know if you will or wont throw up, I dont know how much, I dont know who you will throw up on, I dont know if the dog will eat it and if he does will he get sick so either finish your bath or take your chances and eat the bubbles so we can move on from these questions.

Minutes later:

Me-Preston put the dog brush down so you dont get dog hair all over you.

Preston-But I want to brush my hair with it.

Me- No because you will get dog hair on your hair

Preston-So I will turn into a dog


Preston-So if I do get dog hair on my hair and turn into a dog then a tail will grow from my butt right?


Preston- So if I have dog hair, have a tail grow from my butt and then eat dog food will I be a dog?

Me- Yes

Preston-Im not ready for that so can you get me my brush.

Me-Gladly if we never have to have this conversation again.

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