Thursday, January 21, 2010

Desire for a village

My husband was explaining to another husband that women need a village. It was Lowels answer to the question as to why women need or want girls night out or to see each other all the time. At first I didnt think much about his answer but it does make sense to me. I have this amazing group of girls from the gym that I have met over the past 6 months and I enjoy seeing them each day. We work out together, push each other, encourage one another and just plain have fun together. We are all stay at home moms or we work from home so right there we already have a lot in common. Ive never been one of those stay at home moms to stay. As my husband would say I have a need for a village. My village are the friends that I have made or already have and that village continues to grow and grow and the village gets stronger. Men dont have villages they have friends but I dont think they have the desire to build on as women do. I hope that if I can teach Trinity anything its to build a village. Branch out there, build on, remodel everynow and then but just keep building. Friends come and go and some stay in your lives forever but never lose the desire to build your village. Its important as a women, friend, and mother. I have enjoyed the fact that in the meantime of my desire to have a village that Preston is reaping the benefits of it as well because he has more playdates as ever and talks about his friends from the gym all the time. Its fun to watch both of lives getting better and better and I know that I couldnt of done this without my husband who wants me to be with Preston and not work right now and enjoy our lives. I guess that makes my husband the investor of my village. By the way I think my village needs a Starbucks. Thanks honey!

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