Of all the years to invest in a snow blower this would of been the year. Our news just said that this February alone we have received over 25 inches of snow and its still coming down. I just went out and measured the snow on our
backporch and it is 10 inches and
thats with us shoveling it off every couple of days. We are under a level 2 snow emergency. If it hits level 3 then only emergency
personnel can be on the road and if you are caught on the road you will be ticketed.
Im sure they will cancel
Prestons swim lessons again tonight, maybe we should of signed him up for bobsledding instead. If you will excuse me
Im going to look for a new screen saver that has a picture of the sun on it since I forgot what it looked like.
Here are some pics, the first 2 are of our back deck which sits 3 feet off the ground and the snow is level with it so you can walk right off without even using steps, the next one is eye level of our driveway and our poor poor mailbox which is about to be swallowed up by all the snow. The next picture is the view from our 2nd story bedroom and why we cant see it out of it because of the snow drifts on the roof,

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