Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Gods plan
I was going to post about what a horrible drive I had to and from TN. The visit was great but the drive not so great. However after seeing something on my trip back I realized that no matter what issues I had with the drive that it didnt matter now. On Friday I passed by the site of a fatel crash that killed 11 people that morning. It was hours later that I drove past it and it was getting dark so I couldnt see much but you could definitely tell where it had taken place. Little did I know that on the way back in the daylight just how much you could see. Today driving back I drove by the accident site again but today there were members of the Mennonites at the crash site with flowers. Some were crying some were kneeling. It was the day after the burial so I assumed they stopped there before heading home. There were pieces of the vehicle still there only it was on the other side so driving down before on the other side of the road I didnt see it. It didnt hit me till about a mile up the road and then I couldnt stop crying, I couldnt catch my breath, I couldnt figure out why this hit me so hard. I started thinking of my friend Jennifer and her daughter who had died a few years earlier in a crash and realized that I was thinking of her wreck. I didnt see her wreck, I wasnt there but I could imagine that her family stopped at the site of the crash and cried on the side of the road just like the members of the Mennonites were doing. My mom said to me on the phone while driving back that some things are made visible to us for a reason. It made me thankful that we had made it back home safely and all of the other issues with the drive to and from didnt matter anymore.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
We finally got our vacation at Disney booked this weekend. Whew having to figure out times with so many schedules is not easy. In between work schedules, tball, football and Trinity we now have a week in July that is available. So many things to chose from as far as Disney packages, its a bit overwhelming. The kids know we are going but I dont think they fully get what will take this place this summer. It will be our first entire family vacation. Last year we went to Cedar Point and stayed up in Sandusky for a week but Lowel stayed back and had to work. I think that this will be a perfect vacation that will wear us out so much that we will need 2 weeks to recover and Trinity will get to fly for the first time and she sounds really excited about it. Im now counting down the days till we leave.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Trinity had a sleepover Friday night and today Preston had a playdate. Lowel and I did a lot of yardwork today as well so to say that Im tired is an understatement. Luckily it was nice so all of the kids including our sleepover, Prestons playdate and other neighbor kids that came to play at our house were all outside so that we could get a lot of yardwork completed. Im so glad it was nice weather the kids had a blast and Im glad that they spent almost all day outside, I think kids dont play outside enough. Time to start cleaning house a bit and get the kids settled in for the evening. Its family movie night at home so bring on the popcorn.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Because one day it can be 58 and the next 35 degrees Preston and I are spending as much time outside that we can. Yesterday we spent 2 hours at the playground and today we have been jumping on the trampoline and later we will go to playground. I have come to the following conclusions about the trampoline and the playground:
- I always have to pee after jumping 3 short minutes on the trampoline
- Preston always has to pee after 5 minutes of playing at the park where there are no bathrooms so we water the tree frequently.
- I can run 6 miles and work out for 2 hours but jumping on the trampoline more than 20 minutes kicks my butt.
- Boys will always come up with games to play while on a playground, yesterday it was Star Wars.
- Its a dog eat dog world when there is currently only 1 bench at the playground and our rule is that we were here first and we can totally save seats till the other friend shows up.
- When you do a seated jump on the trampoline it will jiggle everything on the outside and inside of your body and it doesnt feel good.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
After having several days of cold, rainy weather today I was glad to see the sun out once again. Today has been pretty busy but fun for us. I met a great friend at the gym this morning for our first day of training with a GI Joe. He is the same person that instructs our Boot camp classes at the gym so we decided to give him a try as a personal trainer . So far so good my arms and legs are still attached to my body but that could all change. After that we ran home to eat and let the dog out then off again to meet another friend at the park so the boys could play. Now we are back home and Preston has swim lessons here in a bit then afterwards Im off to a meeting for American Cancer Society. Good day, Good day!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Shiny new love....
Meet my new appliance love.... isnt it a beauty.

This massive upgrade to my kitchen came from my inlaws who wanted all new appliances so they generously handed this down to me. It didnt take much to talk them in to it. I just had to promise them another grandchild...but dont tell my husband. Im sure they gave it to me cause Im the best daughter in law they have however Im also the only one they have. I did produce their first grandson but Im sticking with the story of best daughter in law. I have stared at this new fridge all day instead of doing laundry, dishes, some 4 year old boy keeps yelling something in the background about being hungry but Im just to busy staring at my new love. I wonder if I promise my inlaws twins what I could talk them into giving me next, hehe. Oh just the thought of twins makes my legs cross and uterus hurt oh wait I can actually see myself crossing my legs in the reflection of the stainless steel beauty. Gotta get some work done, must move away from fridge but the shininess attracts me like a moth to a flame. Must walk away now....

This massive upgrade to my kitchen came from my inlaws who wanted all new appliances so they generously handed this down to me. It didnt take much to talk them in to it. I just had to promise them another grandchild...but dont tell my husband. Im sure they gave it to me cause Im the best daughter in law they have however Im also the only one they have. I did produce their first grandson but Im sticking with the story of best daughter in law. I have stared at this new fridge all day instead of doing laundry, dishes, some 4 year old boy keeps yelling something in the background about being hungry but Im just to busy staring at my new love. I wonder if I promise my inlaws twins what I could talk them into giving me next, hehe. Oh just the thought of twins makes my legs cross and uterus hurt oh wait I can actually see myself crossing my legs in the reflection of the stainless steel beauty. Gotta get some work done, must move away from fridge but the shininess attracts me like a moth to a flame. Must walk away now....
Monday, March 8, 2010
Preston is feeling better this morning and its a good thing cause its going to be a busy day. He returns to school today after missing Friday from his fever. After I drop him off at school Im going to visit a neighbor that is in the assisted living facility, off to bootcamp at the gym, pick up Preston, home to change clothes and let the dog out then we are heading to Nationwide to have lunch with hubby and to see Jack Hanna who is bringing some of his Columbus Zoo animals to Nationwide today. Should be a good day for us. Tomorrow we have a playdate so Preston got well just in time for all the fun.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Preston still has a fever, it got higher on Friday and Saturday night with 103.9. No other symptoms just high fever this weekend. He has been in bed with us since he wakes up at night after his tylenol has worn off so as you can imagine I havent slept in 3 days and to make matters worse I had a migraine this weekend. Migraine started going away on Saturday night so Trinity and I took advantage of the fact and make apple fritters. Today Im feeling a little better and so is Preston, he has a low grade fever now. Trinity and I made aprons today. I hope we both start feeling better tonight. The sun has shown for 2 days so thats always nice, in fact Preston woke up the other day and said "look mom, God didnt lose the sun, its right there".
Friday, March 5, 2010
sick tot
Got home from swim lessons last night and Preston was acting as if he didnt feel well. Put him to bed and he was shaking and shivering and with fever. Ohhh is there anything worse than a sick kid. So helpless and cant really explain what hurts. He spent the rest of the night curled up to me with goosebumps and a fever. I kept him home from school today so he could get some rest. Right now he is laying on the couch which I put bed sheets over for his comfort and also just in case he gets sick. He is playing with toys on the couch which is a good sign. Im praying its just a fever and nothing else but I know that there has been so much sickness going around lately at all the schools. Gotta get back to tending to the sick. Later.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Really? Samoas? 10 boxes?
Hubby was bragging last night that he had a box of samoas (girl scout cookies) at his desk. He knows that those are my favorite. I asked him to bring me home a couple of cookies -I was thinking 3-4 cookies, and his answer was no. What how can you tell me no. Its cookies, my favorite cookies for goodness sakes. You cant not share samoas with your wife, Im pretty sure that was written in our vows somewhere. Its the 13th commandment. After giving him a hard time about sharing his samoas with me and him not wanting to share his box he had a co-worker surprise me by delivering 10 boxes of samoas to our house today. Are you kidding me,really do you know what kind of damage I can do to a box of samoas much less 10 boxes. Im already busting my butt at the gym to stay in shape. The gesture is more than sweet however my ass is saying no to the 8 boxes.....I gotta keep alteast 2 of the boxes. Im PMS'ing so a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do and I gotta keep atleast 2 of the boxes.
Busy times
March is a busy month, in fact I had to go purchase a large dry erase calendar because I ran out of room on a normal size calendar. With dentist and doctor appointments this month for Preston, me working sometimes 2-3 days a week , swim lessons twice a week, kindergarten test and a packet of paperwork due for school, charter meeting, parks and recreation meeting, playdates, open house at Preston school, and leaving for TN for spring break during the last week of March, it has become a busy month for all of us. The good news is that each day brings us that much closer to Spring!
Monday, March 1, 2010
weekend bathroom tiling project
How I spent my weekend. We had some leftover tile from our kitchen and our master vanity had laminate on it so I decided to tile over it and update it a bit. I didn't think to take pics of the old vanity till after we had already removed sinks and started taking down backsplash so to be consistent and because we are lazy and haven't put the sinks back in yet I took after pictures without the sinks as well. I wore gloves while grouting this time-much better. (you can click on pics to make larger)
P.S-overlook the brush on the vanity that is filled with strawberry blond hair. I know ,I know gross.

P.S-overlook the brush on the vanity that is filled with strawberry blond hair. I know ,I know gross.

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