Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Because one day it can be 58 and the next 35 degrees Preston and I are spending as much time outside that we can. Yesterday we spent 2 hours at the playground and today we have been jumping on the trampoline and later we will go to playground. I have come to the following conclusions about the trampoline and the playground:

  • I always have to pee after jumping 3 short minutes on the trampoline
  • Preston always has to pee after 5 minutes of playing at the park where there are no bathrooms so we water the tree frequently.
  • I can run 6 miles and work out for 2 hours but jumping on the trampoline more than 20 minutes kicks my butt.
  • Boys will always come up with games to play while on a playground, yesterday it was Star Wars.
  • Its a dog eat dog world when there is currently only 1 bench at the playground and our rule is that we were here first and we can totally save seats till the other friend shows up.
  • When you do a seated jump on the trampoline it will jiggle everything on the outside and inside of your body and it doesnt feel good.

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