Saturday, December 4, 2010

Commitment tree skirt phobia

My tree skirt this year.  I am not your traditional tree skirt kind of gal.  I look at them in the store but just don't like any of them.  So each year after Christmas I search the fabric section for marked down Christmas fabric which is usually cheap.  It usually cost me about $3-4 dollars for 2 yards of fabric which is perfect for me since my tree sits in the corner and doesn't need a tree skirt around the entire tree, just the front where people can see.  My tree skirt this year is green with snow flakes.  I also added some styrofoam snowflakes around it that I bought at the dollar tree store.  A pack of 6 was $1.00.  All I did was hotglue them on the fabric.  I bought another pack of snowflakes as well but that's for another post.  Its fun changing up the tree skirt each year maybe one of these days I will commit to one but I'm not getting my hopes up.  Commitments are for marriages not Christmas decor.

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