If your looking to save money dont forget that you can also make your own cleaning products at home that are safer for your family as well as will save you money. These are from BHG. (Better Home and Garden)
All Purpose Cleaners
Formula No 1
1/2 Cup of Vinegar
1/4 Cup of Baking Soda {or 2 teaspoons of
1/2 Gallon of Water
Formula No 2
1/2 Teaspoon of Baking Soda
2 teaspoons of
1/2 Teaspoon of Liquid Soap or Detergent
2 Cups of Hot Water
Formula No 3
Fill Spray Bottle half way with White Vinegar
Fill the rest with Water
Optional - Add 10-20 Drops of Essential Oils
Microfiber Cloths
lift dirt, dust and grease without the need of cleaners. They are naturally formulated to penetrate and trap dirt.
Formula No 1
2 Cups of Water
1/4 Cup of Lemon Juice
2 Teaspoons of
Formula No 2
2 Teaspoons of
4 Tablespoons of Vinegar
3 Cups of Hot Water
Formula No 3
1/4 Cup Vinegar
1 Teaspoon of Scent Free Plain Liquid Dish Detergent
20 Drops of
Tea Tree Oil
Formula No 4
2 Teaspoons of
4 Teaspoons of Vinegar
3 Cups of Hot Water
1/4 Teaspoon of
Castile Soap
Window Cleaners
Formula No 1
2 Teaspoons of White Vinegar
1 Quart of Warm Water
Formula No 2
1 Cup of Rubbing Alcohol
1 Cup of Water
1 Teaspoon of Vinegar
Wash one side of the window with horizontal strokes and the other with vertical so you can pinpoint which side may have streaks.
Don't clean windows when the sun is shining directly on them or if they are warm - the heat dries the cleaning solution prior to having time to polish the windows correctly.
Eliminate tiny scratches in glass by polishing them with toothpaste
To give an extra shine to windows polish with newspapers or a clean cotton cloth. Rub a blackboard eraser over cleaned windows for a diamond bright shine.
Kitchen Cleaner
Garbage Disposal
Grind the skins of lemons, oranges and limes in the disposal along with ice cubes.
{The ice will sharpen the blades}
Dishwasher Soap
1 Cup of
1 Cup of
Washing Soda
1/2 Cup
Citric Acid Powder
1/2 Cup Kosher Salt
Dishwasher Rinsing Agent
Fill with Plain White Vinegar
Scouring Powder
Baking Soda or Table Salt can be used as an alternative to chlorine scouring powders. Sprinkle on sponge or surface and scour.
Floor Cleaners
Vinyl and Linoleum
1 Cup of Vinegar
Few Drops of Baby Oil
1 Gallon of Warm Water
Brick and Stone Tiles
1 Cup of White Vinegar
1 Gallon of Water
Rinse with clear water
Carpet Stain Cleaner
Mix 1/4 Cup of Salt, 1/4 Cup of Borax, 1/4 Cup of Vinegar
Rub into carpet - leave for a few hours - vacuum
Carpet Deodorizer
Sprinkle Baking Soda on carpets and let sit one hour prior to vacuuming
Metal Cleaners/polishers
Line a pan with aluminum foil and fill with water. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil. Immerse silver and poilsh with a soft cloth.
Stainless Steel
Clean with a cloth dampened with undiluted white vinegar
Polish with baby oil or vinegar
Clean with a solution of Cream of Tarter and Water using a soft cloth
Apply a dab of ketchup on a soft cloth and rub over tarnished spots
Clean with Toothpaste or a paste mix of salt, vinegar and flour
Brass or Bronze
Polish with a soft cloth dipped in equal parts of lemon juice and baking soda or Apply a dab of ketchup on a soft cloth and rub over tarnished spots
Fels-Naptha Soap
, Grated
1/2 Cup of
Washing Soda
1/2 Cup of
Stain Remover
1 Cup of Water
1/2 Cup of Baking Soda
1/2 Cup of Hydrogen Peroxide
Mix and store in spray bottle. Spray on stain and let sit overnight.
Grass Stain Remover
Wet the Stain with water and cover with salt. Let sit one hour and wash as usual.
Cedar Chips in a cheesecloth square or Cedar oil in an absorbent cloth.
Homemade Moth repelling sachets can be made from Lavender, Rosemary,
, and
Rose Petals
Dried Lemon Peels are also a moth deterrent.
Furniture Polish
Mix 2 Teaspoons of Olive Oil and 2 Teaspoons of Lemon Juice -Apply with a soft cloth
Varnished Wood Polish
Add a few drops of Lemon Oil to 1/2 Cup of Warm Water. Spray onto soft cloth - wipe and finish by wiping with a soft dry cotton cloth.
Water Rings on Wood
Apply toothpaste or mayonnaise with a soft damp cloth and rub into ring.
Rust Remover
Sprinkle rust spot with salt and squeeze a lime on top until salt is well soaked. Leave mixture sit for 2-3 hours then scrub residue with the lime rind.
Oil and Grease Spots in Garage
For small spots on garage floor, sprinkle with baking soda and scrub with a wet brush.
Bath Mold or Mildew
Mix One Part Hydrogen Peroxide with Two Parts Water
Spray on - Wait one hour before rinsing
Tub and Tile Cleaner
Make a paste of baking soda and water
Allow to stand for 10-15 minutes
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Mix 1/4 Cup of Baking Soda and 1 Cup of Vinegar
Pour into basin and let sit - scrub with a brush and rinse
Please 1/2 cup of undiluted vinegar into a food storage bag and secure to the showerhead with a rubber band - let sit over night, rinse.