Monday, February 7, 2011

Cupids Arrow

Easy Valentine Treats.
First start with these 2 items.  One bag of any kind of pretzel sticks and jelly hearts. 
 Each cupid arrow uses 1 pretzel stick and 2 jelly hearts.
 Gently push the pretzel stick through the heart like the picture below
 Now on the other end put another heart only this one should be facing the opposite direction of the first.  This one should have the pretzel stick at the pointy end of the heart.
 To make the end of the bow (split heart look) get your kitchen scissors and just cut a slit in the heart like so.  Thats all you have to do and is easy for kids to do as well.  Dont worry about breaking a pretzel stick just eat it right away to get rid of the evidence and grab another one of the 3oo pretzel sticks that are in the bag.
Now put your cupids arrow in a valentine bag, or in a Ziploc bag and add the following tags to it and give to a friend/loved one/teacher .  Feel free to copy/paste/print the tags below.

How cute are these!

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