Monday, July 11, 2011

We have been out of town for the past 10 days so today has been catch up day...catch up on life, work, cleaning the house, stocking the house with groceries, washing clothes and sleep.  We had a wonderful time at Cape San Blas Florida, the beaches were beautiful white sand, the water was crystal clear, the pool and the house were amazing. Here are more than just a few of the pics from our vacation.

Here are both grandmothers with the kids

We went to Gulf World one day in Panama City
Preston with Flipper
Trinity with Flipper
Mammy with her grandkids
Lynda with Tara and Katie
We woke up one day after a storm and this had been washed up on beach just a few houses down from us.  Its a hammer head shark.  It was already dead so we let the kids touch it....come on when are you ever going to get to say I touched a hammer head shark.  If the kids could of lifted this bad boy up we would of took a picture of them holding it as if they caught it themselves and none of you would of been the wiser.

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