Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Its hard to believe that in a week my little boy will be a first grader.  I have so many different emotions going on about this and he does as well.  His first question was how long am I going to be at school.  My answer was that you will be home a little after lunch, and his response was well I guess I will see you for dinner before its bedtime.  Thats his perception of school that if he isnt home for lunch then he must be home at dinner time.  Trying to explain the logistics of school to a 6 year old is not easy its just something he will have to see for himself the first day. 
The back to school supplies and clothes are bought and Preston and I
have been trying to do fun special things up until school time.  We have had breakfast at Tim Hortons together, dinner at DQ after football with friends, movies, park, you name it we have been trying to squeeze it into my work schedule.  I asked him what he would like to do most before going to school and he said bowling so the plan is to fit that in one day as well. 
At first I was apprehensive about taking this job but now that Preston is going to be in school full time for the first year I think it will be good for me to get my mind off missing him.  It will be hard not to have him here with me during the day, Im so used to hearing his laughter, fixing him lunch, playing with him ....getting chocked up now just writing this.  I wish they could stay little forever.  Im sure all mothers go through this but it doesnt make it any easier for this mom. 
To my family as you say your prayers please remember Preston next week as he goes to school and that he will be the fine young man that we all know he is, that he will be excited, loving, amazing, and a good listener.  That his fears and mommy's will be gone by the time the first bell rings for school.

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