Sunday, January 29, 2012

so far so good

The pregnancy is going so far so good I am 16 weeks along and really showing.  I am a bit tired at times working full time, being a basketball coach for Prestons team, helping to run Relay for life and other volunteer events,  but other than that its going well.
  I am at the doctor every 2 weeks a month.  They have me come in  once a month to check on blood sugar levels because of my issues with carrying Preston and passing out several times due to low blood sugar as well as the fact that I have had a miscarriage.  I am glad they are taking these precautions but I hate being in the high risk group.  There seems to always be something to worry about or check on or to think about.
 The other visit a month  is to see the baby and hear a heartbeat.   I still am in shock at times that we are having another baby and when Lowel told me he was ready for another one that really threw me for a loop but Im excited and cant wait to see the little peanut.  We have picked out names and still trying to figure out middle names.  I find out the sex of the baby on February 23rd and then it will be time to decorate a nursery.

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