Pearson had to spend some time in the NICU and because I couldnt get out of the hospital bed I couldnt go see him in the NICU, that was horrible. They finally brought him to me 24 hours later but I still couldnt hold my neck up or sit up so he laid beside me or on my chest with help from everyone.
When they finally released us I was on bedrest for 3 weeks and could barely move. I couldnt even shower on my own cause I couldnt hold my head up, pain medicine, lots of crying and sleep was how I spent my days, thank goodness my mom and hubby were here taking care of Pearson, Preston and I. Ive never wanted to curl up and just die like I did at that time. I know it sounds bad but postpartum is a bitch. I didnt want anyone to see me like this. I rejected all guests, Lowel answered and texted for me on my phone usually because I couldnt deal with the pain and crying myself to sleep was the only comfort I got.
I have back pain and horrible headaches and ear ringing but the chiropractor seems to be able to keep some of the pain down for now. The spinal leaking and missed epidurals have left me with permanent sciatic nerve damage but when I look into his cute face I would do it all over again. He is a joy and Preston and Trinity love him. We are truly blessed.
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