I believe everyone should have kids in this order. Girl first then 3-4 years later a boy. Reason being is that girls love to play "baby doll" with the new baby. My step daughter Trinity is almost 6 and my son is turning 2 in a few days. They see each other every weekend and my son just started saying his sisters name "T" OK her name is Trinity but its close enough for him. They love each other and play together so well we can only hope that it continues this way. I have a younger brother and I have to say it was probably easier that way because I wanted to be mommy's little helper just as Trinity wants to be. Its the sweetest thing to see the 2 of them play together. She watches out for him and protects him and in return someday as he gets older little does she know that he will watch out for her and protect her. Im sure down the road she will shut him out of her room so that she can talk on the phone to her friends, he will kill one of her barbie dolls with his monster trucks, but for now its precious and loving no matter how long it last.
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