(you can click on pics to enlarge)
Preston and his best buddy Riley trick or treating and eating smores that one of our neighbors sets out everywhere with fire pit, table and fixins at the end of the driveway for the kids.

Prestons preschool class. The little girl on left hand side 2nd row dressed up as princess with tiara is Claire-Preston calls her "his girl". He said she doesnt know it yet but that its girlfriend.
We had our trick or treat night on Thursday (Ohio doesnt trick or treat on weekends). Great weather, family and friends, and neighbors pass out candy while sitting in their driveways. Gotta love it. Prestons preschool on Friday had a parade downtown Canal Winchester where store owners and employees pass out candy to kids while they walk down the sidewalks.

Prestons preschool class. The little girl on left hand side 2nd row dressed up as princess with tiara is Claire-Preston calls her "his girl". He said she doesnt know it yet but that its girlfriend.