I am.....thankful
I think....my sons laugh is the best thing in the world
I should...be cleaning the house
I dream....of the beach
I want...to spend more time with my sister
I know...very litttle
I don't like....mornings
I smell...the rain
I hear....the sound of Star Wars in my house either with toys or movies
I fear....scary movies
I usually...eat 1 piece of chocolate every 2 days (ok everyday)
I search...for decorating blogs and thrift store finds
I miss....my best friend who was killed a few years ago.
I always...have my morning coffee and beware when I dont
I regret....my sins and wasting time with the wrong men.
I wonder....why my son and husband cant hit the toilet.
I crave....chocolate
I remember...how much I loved being pregnant
I need.....more time with my Mammy
I forget....sometimes
I feel....blessed, busy, bloated, bubbly sometimes
I can....do anything I put my mind to.
I can't....isn't a word that I accept
I am happy....when the sun is shining
I lose.....my mind and socks
I sing....in the car until my son says "please stop your hurting my ears", and yes he says that often.
I listen...terribly, Im the worst listener ever. I struggle with it for some reason.
I shop.....at Target
I eat....just about anything
I love.....my family.