Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome back routine

Ahhh back to our routine. Routine in this house is a good thing and I must say that I thrive on it. I like to think that I used to be a fly by the seat of my pants type of gal but after having a child my pants are now stained with yogurt or capri sun and not by my doing. So these stained pants like routine. After being out of school a week for Spring break getting Preston up this morning for school was a task in itself. He was not happy about getting up but I know that he is his fathers son who does better on routines so after picking him up from school today he was much better. I was just writing things on the family calendar-yes we have one of those and realized that come May that Preston will be one very busy little boy. He will have Tball on Monday and Wednesday evenings and swim lessons on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and still go to school during the day. Im sure that being busy never killed anyone, or atleast not at this age. Welcome back routine and schedules-mommy missed you!

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