Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is it a bad that I went to Walmart the other day, saw a cute shirt, tried it on, loved it then looked at the tag and it was a Miley Cyrus shirt. You know the ones you find in the junior department that are mostly skanky only this one wasnt, it was totally cute. Im too old for skanky although Im all for fun and flirty. This shirt was so cute but I just couldnt bring myself to buy a shirt inspired by a 16 year old (or however old she is now) when I am ......well not 16 years old. I havent stopped thinking about this shirt, maybe I can purchase it, cut the tag out and replace it with a JCPenney tag or Macys something more grown up. Ahhh just another dilemma of growing old I guess, maybe its time for me to stop shopping in the junior dept and move over to the misses dept. NAH!!!

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