We had trick or treating here on Thursday and had a blast. We had 2 other families over for some food, trick or treating and a good time. Preston went as darth vader and got a ton of candy...to much candy!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
This post if for the hubby. Im so proud of him, he is now the Technical Director for Sales Performance and Operations at Nationwide. I have no idea what that means but it sounds important and even if it isnt Im very proud of him. He got called into his boss's office the other day and walked out with this title!!!! Im going to say that his boss liked my pumpkin spice cookies that I made him for his birthday and that they were so good that he decided to award Lowel. Im sure it had nothing to do with the long hours, weekends, and stressful work that Lowel does.....its all about the cookies.
First the dog ate Lowels glasses while he was in the shower, and Lowel is blind without his glasses so luckily we had a backup pair but still had to order new ones. Then the car needed to be worked on so its been gone for a week. And to top it off the washing machine broke the other day and we had to order a new one cause there was no fixin the old one (we tried). Its been an expensive 2 weeks for us. Atleast I know what Im getting for Christmas.....a washing machine.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
How my day has gone
Preston: Mom dad just said dumbass to his computer.
Me-Lowel stop cussing at your computer, Preston stop tattling.
Both boys answer with an Ok and their heads hung down in shame.
Me-Lowel stop cussing at your computer, Preston stop tattling.
Both boys answer with an Ok and their heads hung down in shame.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Who was your favorite celebrity as a child?I had a huge crush on Andy Gibb-so dreamy!!!!
What is your favorite color?
What word describes you best?
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Preston-the best creation ever!
What drives you every day?
My husband, child and family
What is your favorite food?
mexican food
Where do you like to vacation?
anywhere as long as there is a beach
Who do you admire?
My sister
If you were invisible, where would you go?
Id probably try sneaking into Heaven but Im pretty sure that wouldnt work so then Id sneak into a Krispy Kreme donut store to eat a couple dozen donuts and get the recipe of course, and then I would probably go watch Preston at school to see how he acts when Im not around. So far no complaints from his teacher so we must be doing something right.
What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?
To many to count. My husband leaves me cards all the time. I think my friends and family do kind things for me all the time. I have wonderful neighbors who have suprised me as well. Im very blessed to be surrounded by kind people.
What would you do with a million dollars?
Pay off our house, our parents homes and our siblings homes then make sure that Preston and Trinity are always taken care of whether we are around or not.
If you had three hours to yourself, what would you do with them?
Id head to Target and my first stop inside Target would be at Starbucks for a latte.
What is your favorite color?
What word describes you best?
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Preston-the best creation ever!
What drives you every day?
My husband, child and family
What is your favorite food?
mexican food
Where do you like to vacation?
anywhere as long as there is a beach
Who do you admire?
My sister
If you were invisible, where would you go?
Id probably try sneaking into Heaven but Im pretty sure that wouldnt work so then Id sneak into a Krispy Kreme donut store to eat a couple dozen donuts and get the recipe of course, and then I would probably go watch Preston at school to see how he acts when Im not around. So far no complaints from his teacher so we must be doing something right.
What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?
To many to count. My husband leaves me cards all the time. I think my friends and family do kind things for me all the time. I have wonderful neighbors who have suprised me as well. Im very blessed to be surrounded by kind people.
What would you do with a million dollars?
Pay off our house, our parents homes and our siblings homes then make sure that Preston and Trinity are always taken care of whether we are around or not.
If you had three hours to yourself, what would you do with them?
Id head to Target and my first stop inside Target would be at Starbucks for a latte.
Lowels work requires that employees and spouses have annual preventative doctor visits each year as part of the health plan. This has to take place between Sept-December of each year so I went the other day. Not the most pleasant way to spend my time although its not nearly as bad as having to visit the woman doctor for a rape and scrape (sorry dad if your reading this but thats what I call it) . Anyways last year my EKG came back with some issues, big shocker there considering I have had heart flutters since I was about 10 years of age. Another EKG was done and upon comparison it has gotten a bit worse. Guess it really is time to see that cardiologist like the doctor has been suggesting to me. Cant I just go to a doctor any doctor at one time and come out with nothing wrong. Have I ever walked in and walked out and they say Heather your doing great you look and have the body of an 25 year old...hey a girl can dream cant she. Oh and I have blood in my urine according to the doctor after making me pee in a cup the size of a cap on top of a medicine bottle.....bonus!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Who I am.......
Im the woman who is always in a rush, who wakes up with crazy hair cause its to darn long, I go out all the time without an ounce of makeup, I feel most comfortable in jeans, I get a lump in my throat every morning Preston gets on the school bus as if some strange person is taking my child away, I secretly peek into Prestons school room when I'm working at school in a different area, I sing and dance when no one is looking, I eat candy, I sometimes don't get around to making the bed till after lunch, Im crafty, optimistic, I love to laugh, I rarely eat breakfast, I love to vacuum. I look horrible in yellow (who doesn't), I could wander around a home decor store for hours and hours and still not find what Im looking for, I have my husband wrapped around my finger (he knows), I love to run, I love donuts (good thing I love to run), I read decorative blogs and then copy the things I see on them for my house, Im great at shopping for bargains, I have lots of friends, I miss my family sometimes, I want another baby, I hate cold weather, my son has me wrapped around his finger, I change my mind a lot, I have to have coffee in the morning, I believe in angels, I love my natural hair color, I love my blue eyes, I can fill out a pair of jeans, I hate my knees, I change my purse every 2 weeks to a different one from my closet, I love girl movies, I love to bake and do it about twice a week, I cry sometimes, and I am who I am.
Im the woman who is always in a rush, who wakes up with crazy hair cause its to darn long, I go out all the time without an ounce of makeup, I feel most comfortable in jeans, I get a lump in my throat every morning Preston gets on the school bus as if some strange person is taking my child away, I secretly peek into Prestons school room when I'm working at school in a different area, I sing and dance when no one is looking, I eat candy, I sometimes don't get around to making the bed till after lunch, Im crafty, optimistic, I love to laugh, I rarely eat breakfast, I love to vacuum. I look horrible in yellow (who doesn't), I could wander around a home decor store for hours and hours and still not find what Im looking for, I have my husband wrapped around my finger (he knows), I love to run, I love donuts (good thing I love to run), I read decorative blogs and then copy the things I see on them for my house, Im great at shopping for bargains, I have lots of friends, I miss my family sometimes, I want another baby, I hate cold weather, my son has me wrapped around his finger, I change my mind a lot, I have to have coffee in the morning, I believe in angels, I love my natural hair color, I love my blue eyes, I can fill out a pair of jeans, I hate my knees, I change my purse every 2 weeks to a different one from my closet, I love girl movies, I love to bake and do it about twice a week, I cry sometimes, and I am who I am.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Relay for life skate party
Friday the kids didnt have school so our Relay for Life team had a skating fundraiser party. Lowel took off work so that we could take both kids and just have fun for the day. It brought back some great memories for me. This was Prestons first time skating and he had a blast. We raised some money, laughed, enjoyed ourselves...what a perfect time.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Life imagined
Live the life you have always imagined.
Is anyone really doing that? Dont get me wrong I love my life, I love being a stay at home, I love the part time job that I do, the volunteering I do and everything but is it what I dreamed about when I was young. No. But then again when I was young I wanted to be so many different thing....a teacher, a nurse, a brain surgeon, wonder woman, a bakery owner, and the list could go on and on. I guess in some sense you could say I have accomplished some of that, being a nurse, teaching my child, and baking for my family and friends. I knew that I always wanted kids growing up, I imagined the type of man I would marry who would come home from work, we would eat dinner together everynight, we would hold hands, kiss passionately, have family fun and I have that and I feel blessed for that. However, there is always something lingering out there of what else can I do, something that would make a difference to me, something that has meaning to me, something that my heart desires to do, something crafty and fun. I hope that I can figure out what it is I am being pulled to do and even if I never figure it out I hope that my life is full of excitement, happiness, and love.
Is anyone really doing that? Dont get me wrong I love my life, I love being a stay at home, I love the part time job that I do, the volunteering I do and everything but is it what I dreamed about when I was young. No. But then again when I was young I wanted to be so many different thing....a teacher, a nurse, a brain surgeon, wonder woman, a bakery owner, and the list could go on and on. I guess in some sense you could say I have accomplished some of that, being a nurse, teaching my child, and baking for my family and friends. I knew that I always wanted kids growing up, I imagined the type of man I would marry who would come home from work, we would eat dinner together everynight, we would hold hands, kiss passionately, have family fun and I have that and I feel blessed for that. However, there is always something lingering out there of what else can I do, something that would make a difference to me, something that has meaning to me, something that my heart desires to do, something crafty and fun. I hope that I can figure out what it is I am being pulled to do and even if I never figure it out I hope that my life is full of excitement, happiness, and love.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear Jennifer,
I cant believe its time to write another letter to you and thats it been 4 years since your accident where God took you and your daughter Hannah to join him in Heaven. I gotta tell you even though 4 years has passed its not any easier. It still feels like the crash was yesterday and I know its been a while since I visited your grave but its so hard to go there because it makes it all so real. Just even writing this is making me cry cause I wish I would of spent more time with you and told you just how much I loved you as a friend. Tears still roll down my cheeks when I think of you. When we drive into TN it takes all I have not to burst into tears as we drive past your exit. I have seen pictures of your daughter Sarah, your mom sends them to me and she is so beautiful. She is happy and looks a lot like you. I know that your parents love having her around. Not a day goes by that I dont think about you and miss you. Its so hard to accept the fact that your gone and not here, you were my best friend growing up. You were such a big part of my life and the last time we saw each other was at your baby shower. I miss you more than words can say. I know that God loves having you and Hannah with him but I loved having my best friend here as well and as much as I understand that life takes those we love away not God sometimes its hard to swallow. I hope that you are living it up in a big pink barbie house just like the one we used to play with.
As much as I believe the following passages with all my heart I still weep and Im still brokenhearted but knowing that you are happy, safe and not suffering from any pain from the wreck is comforting.
Psalm 30:5 Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit
Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit
Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
I miss you and love you.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Today is my grandmothers (Mammy) 97th Birthday. Preston called Great Mammy and told her she was only 3 years away from 100 yrs old. Im sure that just made her day. Its such a blessing to still have her and she is such an important part of my life and Prestons. I love the fact that Preston has a Great Grandparent still around and that he enjoys seeing and talking to her on the phone.
Happy Birthday Mammy!!!
Happy Birthday Mammy!!!
Girly girls come from New York, sweet girls come from Texas, prissy girls come from California, but we Tennessee girls have fire and ice in our blood! We can ride a 4-wheeler, be a princess, throw a left hook, hunt and fish with the boys, hunt, bake a cake, love with passion and if we have an opinion, you're gonna hear it!!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
A box full of happiness
Happiness for my boys (hubby & son) comes in a pink box and is at Target right now for $2.50 and can rarely be found throughout the year. Trust me I have searched many stores and they dont carry it throughout the year here.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tonight is the 31 purse/bag party at my house so you know what that means....I have to clean. Who knew I had so much crap laying out on my dining room table. Im excited about the party and to get the chance to hang out with friends, a reason to bake and proceeds from the party go toward my relay for life team. If you couldnt make the party but would like to look at the products you can do son online here. http://www.mythirtyone.com/shop/catalog.aspx?eventId=E278871&from=DIRECTLINK
Gotta get back to cleaning which basically means following the dog and Preston around and cleaning up after them, they generate a lot of dirt.
Gotta get back to cleaning which basically means following the dog and Preston around and cleaning up after them, they generate a lot of dirt.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Always, Sometimes, Never
I always...
check my facebook
kiss my husband and kid goodnight
put chapstick on before bed
drink a cup of coffee every morning
wash my face
kiss Preston goodbye before getting on the bus (not sure how long he will let me do this one)
I sometimes...
eat breakfast
work out at gym
wonder what Preston will be when he grows up
think about running for city council here in our town
say shit
put on makeup
I never....
stop thinking about ideas
want to stop baking
sleep enough
think that Im doing enough
get enough milk
stop missing my family
go a day without speaking to my husband at work
check my facebook
kiss my husband and kid goodnight
put chapstick on before bed
drink a cup of coffee every morning
wash my face
kiss Preston goodbye before getting on the bus (not sure how long he will let me do this one)
I sometimes...
eat breakfast
work out at gym
wonder what Preston will be when he grows up
think about running for city council here in our town
say shit
put on makeup
I never....
stop thinking about ideas
want to stop baking
sleep enough
think that Im doing enough
get enough milk
stop missing my family
go a day without speaking to my husband at work
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Last football game of the season.
Last game of the season was Saturday. Preston got a chance to run the ball, since he is a blocker and never gets to touch the ball. He did great. His girlfriend and her family came to watch the game as well....she is such a cutie. We are sad the season has come to an end but looking forward to next year. We are so proud of how well he did, how much he liked it and the friendships he made.
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