Friday, October 15, 2010

Life imagined

Live the life you have always imagined. 

Is anyone really doing that?  Dont get me wrong I love my life, I love being a stay at home, I love the part time job that I do, the volunteering I do and everything but is it what I dreamed about when I was young. No.  But then again when I was young I wanted to be so many different thing....a teacher, a nurse, a brain surgeon, wonder woman, a bakery owner, and the list could go on and on.  I guess in some sense you could say I have accomplished some of that, being a nurse, teaching my child, and baking for my family and friends.  I knew that I always wanted kids growing up, I imagined the type of man I would marry who would come home from work, we would eat dinner together everynight, we would hold hands, kiss passionately, have family fun and I have that and I feel blessed for that.  However, there is always something lingering out there of what else can I do, something that would make a difference to me, something that has meaning to me, something that my heart desires to do, something crafty and fun.  I hope that I can figure out what it is I am being pulled to do and even if I never figure it out I hope that my life is full of excitement, happiness, and love.

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