Saturday, November 10, 2012

I havent been on my laptop lately and its hard to post from my ipad so today Im getting caught up on my thankfulness.

November 3rd,
  Im thankful for my marriage and my husband who loves me unconditional.  He takes care of me when Im sick, he helps with the kids so I can get some rest and he is a great father.   He makes me laugh and challenges me in a good way to do something I want to do or go after my dreams.  He and I have had to go through a lot during our marriage and yet we still come out loving one another even more than the day we met.  He is a good man!

November 4th,  Im Thankful for my life.  I love our life here in CW and the town we live in has been a blessing to us.  My husband works hard so that we can have a nice house and we are very involved in the community we live in.  Its a great town.

November 5th,  Im thankful for Coke....I know thats silly but without it I wouldnt be able to function sometimes.  It gets me through sleepless days, headaches and exhaustion.  I love me some coke.

November 6th-Im thankful for my friends, we have a great circle of friends that we do stuff with all the times.  The husbands do things as the girls as well and have our times when we go separate ways with our friends but always come back together all as families.  Its a great feeling to have friends that are like family.  I love that my friends have good marriages, good sex lives with their spouses (yes thats important) and we like to be around each other.  We get together 1-2 times a week and they are blessings. 

November 7th- Im thankful to be able to stay at home and not worry about anything.  My husband works hard so that I dont have to worry about a job.  I love being home with my kids, not worrying about a sitter and having to juggle it all.

November 8th-Im thankful for my family.  I dont get to see them often but they are always there.  I have a wonderful sister, brother, mom and dad.  They support me , love me and we cant wait to see each other.  I love talking to them on the phone and seeing them on facetime so that its like Im right there with them even when Im a couple states away.

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