Thursday, January 3, 2013

What was your New Years Resolutions?

  • Mine was to lose weight, losing baby weight when you arent up to working out yet due to some issues just plain sucks.  I need to get this weight off.

  • Organize...not even organizing as much as shit ridder.  I need to get rid of a lot of shit we have in the house that hasnt been used in years. 

  • We need to get our Will, finances, and paperwork ready should something happen to one or both of us.  I decided to also write letters to my kids and family that will take care of the boys if we were both to pass away.   Do you know how hard it is to write a letter to your sons telling them goodbye and what you expect them to do with their lives.  IT IS TORTURE AND THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE but I feel its necessary and they will need them should the time come.   Life is too short not to be prepared for the worst so I want to make things as easy on the kids and my sister who will take care of them as much as possible. 

  • Spend less time worrying about things and enjoy the everyday with my kids, so what if my hair is a mess, Im still in my pjs sometimes in the afternoon,  Im having a great time raising our kids and I need to stop worrying about my job that I had to let go, stop worrying about the small stuff and just enjoy this, its a gift from my husband who is completely fine with me staying home and not working.  I can work anytime, I can work when the are in high school.....for now I just want to enjoy them.

  • Be a better wife.  Spend some alone time with the hubster as well.  Its hard when the baby is asleep right there beside us but we need our time as well.  Ive also noticed this about our marriage that going to church has worked for us.  Not just spiritually but we are better parents and spouses for it.  It calms the house.  Its also good for your sex life.  I know sex and church dont really go hand and hand but it makes your marriage better which therefore makes everything else better...such as sex! 


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