Are you a downstairs friend or upstairs friend?
If you are like me when we have friends over I rush around on the main level, pick up clothes, toys, shoes, socks, pillows, teddy bears, and anything else and I rush them upstairs and throw them into a pile on the floor into the rooms. I don't bother putting them away cause who is going to go up there anyways....right? Which is why I ask this question...downstairs friend or upstairs? A downstairs friend is someone who has never been to their friends second level in their house. An upstairs friend is one who has been upstairs faced the mess, and loves you anyways. I think most of my friends have been to my upstairs and thank goodness they somehow want to return...mess and all.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Conversation between my 5 yr old son and me today.
Preston-mom can I have a new toy from the store.
Me-No not today wait till your birthday.
Preston-I will just ask dad since he is the boss of me.
Me-Go right ahead but he will say no and by the way Im totally the boss
Preston-oh yeah what makes you the boss.
Me-Stretch marks, painful hips, and droopy boobs thats what.
Preston-mom can I have a new toy from the store.
Me-No not today wait till your birthday.
Preston-I will just ask dad since he is the boss of me.
Me-Go right ahead but he will say no and by the way Im totally the boss
Preston-oh yeah what makes you the boss.
Me-Stretch marks, painful hips, and droopy boobs thats what.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Its going to be a busy next few weeks but there is a lot to look forward to.
- T-ball Games
- Last day of school on June 2 and field day
- Prestons Birthday party the weekend of June 4-5
- Prestons 6th Birthday June 8
- Relay for life June 10-11
- My sister coming into town June 24 then we are going to the Kenny Chesney concert on 25th.
Hope everyone has a fabulous week!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Its Tball time
Tball season has officially started at the Bolin house. Somehow my name got put down as 1 of the assistance coach, not sure how that happened but I have my suspicions. I made Lowel go out and assist the first day knowing that I would have to do it sooner or later and that sooner is Monday night. Prestons scrimmage is at 6, Lowel doesnt get home from work till 6 which means I will have to assist until Lowel can get there after coming home and changing clothes. No biggie-I gave birth, surely I can do this. Here are some pics of Preston, his team this year is the Cubs.
Below is a picture of Preston rounding 3rd with Lowel chasing him to see which one can get home first and Prestons friend Joseph on 3rd base ( according to Joseph we are his step parents-so sweet!!!) Joseph is the one that spent the night at our house the other night. He and Preston are really close friends, they are in the same class, they played football together last year, now they are playing tball together and if we have anything to do with it they will play football this fall together again. How is that possible for them to always be on the same team....oh his mom and I have connections. Thats all Im saying.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Prestons 1st sleepover friend
Preston had his first sleepover last night. We went to eat at Skyline, took the boys to Art in the Park where they saw a walking statue guy, got balloon swords, played with friends, listened to music and could see a police car, swat van, etc. Afterwards they came home watched some cartoons and passed out from exhaustion. According to Preston it was cool and he wants to do it again. Up next in a few weeks we will see if Preston will spend the night at his friends house.....its worth a try.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Where I spend my free time
When I have a little free time I love working in my yard. If its a nice weekend you will find me outside working in my flower beds. All 4 sides of our house is landscaped and at first it was a bit overwhelming but now I really enjoy it.
Here is the walkway in front of the house.
This is the side of the house.
Here is the other side of the house
Front yard again.
This is what you see right off the garage as you pull into driveway. My friend gave me the hanging basket for mothers day and I love the color of it.
Did you see the color of the siding of our house, hopefully very very soon that will all change. We are about to do some major changes to the house. We had some damage from the hail and wind and we are keeping our fingers crossed that all works out.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Superwoman complex
Do you ever wish you were Superwoman? I think most moms wish they could be her at some point in life and I don't mean the actual superhero I mean the woman who somehow manages to get it all done. I must admit I struggle with my non superwoman existence at times and push myself to the limit cause I want to do it all. 

I want to do it all and be all, I want the career, to be on 3 committees in town, to keep the house clean, to cook every night, to volunteer in Prestons class once a week, to be the stay at home mom, to run Preston around from swim lessons twice a week and then to tball and eventually football, to spend time with my friends, family and yet sometimes I fall flat on my face and then I'm the one that is disappointed, no one else is but me. Why? Cause I'm not superwoman and no one expects me to be but me.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Character Day at school
Friday at school was character day. The kids could dress up as their favorite book characters and then march in the parade inside school. All of the classrooms sat in the hallway and one by one each classroom marched down the hallway for their parade. Preston and his friend dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss.
2 teachers in the school dressed up as well so we had to get a picture of all of them together-cute!!
It was a fun day for all.
2 teachers in the school dressed up as well so we had to get a picture of all of them together-cute!!
It was a fun day for all.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mothers Day
This has been a wonderful Mothers Day. Coffee in bed, sweet rolls waiting for me when I got up this morning, new purse, new running shoes, chocolate, a poem from Preston about what he likes about mom, went to see a movie with my 2 guys, and we stopped and looked at getting me an IPad but they didnt have any in stock....bummer oh well they will get more in stock another day. Its been a great day with lots of hugs and kisses and Im enjoying every minute of it. Hope everyone has a great Mothers Day!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
American Cancer Society
As most of you know I am very involved in the American Cancer Society. This is my 3rd year as a volunteer, Im on team, and Im on the Committee where I serve as chairman of teams. My job is to help recruit new teams and assist the teams that have been involved in the pasts so that they will continue with Relay for life. My personal goal this year is for me alone to raise $500. Im almost there at $395, Im so close which is why Im posting this in hopes that you will want to donate money toward the American Cancer Society. Did you know that 1 in 4 people will be effected by cancer at some time in their life. We all know of loved ones, neighbors, friends, someone that has been effected. Please take a moment to click the link below that will go to my American Cancer Society page and donate for a good cause. Even the littlest bit helps toward a cure. Thank you,
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