Do you ever wish you were Superwoman? I think most moms wish they could be her at some point in life and I don't mean the actual superhero I mean the woman who somehow manages to get it all done. I must admit I struggle with my non superwoman existence at times and push myself to the limit cause I want to do it all. 

I want to do it all and be all, I want the career, to be on 3 committees in town, to keep the house clean, to cook every night, to volunteer in Prestons class once a week, to be the stay at home mom, to run Preston around from swim lessons twice a week and then to tball and eventually football, to spend time with my friends, family and yet sometimes I fall flat on my face and then I'm the one that is disappointed, no one else is but me. Why? Cause I'm not superwoman and no one expects me to be but me.
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