Saturday, May 14, 2011

Where I spend my free time

When I have a little free time I love working in my yard.  If its a nice weekend you will find me outside working in my flower beds.  All 4 sides of our house is landscaped and at first it was a bit overwhelming but now I really enjoy it. 
Here is the walkway in front of the house.

This is the side of the house.
Here is the other side of the house
Front yard again.
This is what you see right off the garage as you pull into driveway.  My friend gave me the hanging basket for mothers day and I love the color of it.

Did you see the color of the siding of our house, hopefully very very soon that will all change. We are about to do some major changes to the house.  We had some damage from the hail and wind and we are keeping our fingers crossed that all works out.

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