Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How far would you go to watch ironman

Last night Preston was laying in bed with us watching a little TV before going off to his own bed and decided to twist the top off of his sippy cup. Good news is that it was water and not milk, bad news is that it was full, cold and soaked our bed. That was last night.
Fast forward to this morning and Preston gets up and goes to potty like he always does however not 20 minutes later he informs me that I shouldn't be mad at him. I tell him that depends on what he did and why would I be mad. He tells me that he didn't feel like getting up and instead has peed in his underwear. I asked him why he didn't take the 10 steps to the potty and he told me the following "mom I'm watching IronMan and cant get up to go to the potty so I peed on myself and you cant be mad and I still want my friend Jake to come play and he is coming to play with me and your not mad right."
I didn't realize that the IronMan cartoon was worth feeling warm, gross pee running down your leg and risking the wrath of mommy. I'm at a loss as to what to do so instead I tell him I need to watch IronMan myself to see just how far I would go to watch it and see if I believe its worth peeing on myself before I decide how to approach this issue. Im off to watch IronMan and see if I can stay dry.

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