Hurricane Ike made a little visit to central Ohio and left its mark. Yesterday evening we got winds at 75mph and we lost electricity right around dinner time at 5:30until about 11:30pm. I must say that solar lights from around our walkways made for good lighting inside the house and we kept one in our bathroom as we went to sleep so we could see if we needed to get up. They are already lit and work better than candles. Good ole pb&j sandwiches saved dinner however nothing could save our trampoline that broke into two pieces after being folded over like a taco. We had to go out into the winds and actually scramble to disassemble the remainder of the trampoline to keep it from being lifted up and thrown into the back of the house. The wind so so strong that we were standing on the legs of the trampoline trying to hold it down and it lifted both of us up and the stakes out of the ground that were holding the trampoline. A lot of our neighbors lost trees and privacy fences and everyone has some sort of roof damage. We saw grills, outdoor furniture and trashcans being tossed around like they were nothing. Schools are closed here today because half of Ohio has no power. It could of been a lot worse so we are thankful that its just a trampoline. After seeing what we saw last night I cant imagine what it was like in TX and other places.
This is what is left of our trampoline.
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