I borrowed this post from a blog that I read everyday. Its from Real Housewife in Minnesota and her entry was way too funny not to share with you.!
Real Housewives: my not-so secret obsession...
Let it be known. I've abstained from tasteless celebrity gossip for approximately 4 days. Don't ever ask me to do it again. It may be obvious here, but one of my favorite shows are the Real Housewives series on Bravo. Holy disasters. I love EVERYTHING about these shows. Tacky, tasteless, and filthy rich. What's not to love?
Until they cast me for the Real Housewives of Minnesota; I figure it's within my rights as a superfan to chime in my two cents on the series. Bravo producers: are you listening?
Person who deserves a punch in the face: Phaedra. Give her the boot and bring back baby-makin Lisa.
Biggest Hot Mess: Kim for sure. The wig line. The anonymous rich sugar daddy. It's just too much.
One I'm rooting for: Kandy. Good lawd. This girl just needs to catch a break!
Housewife I'm over: Sheree. Your clothing line sucks. You are SUPER high maintenance, and you seem like a royal pain in the @$$. That being said, I'd kill for those arms.
Rock Star Housewive? Nene Leaks! If you're going to be crazy, at least own your insanity. I love everything about her. She's brash, she's aggressive, but at least you know where she stands.
Beverly Hills: quickly becoming one of my favorite casts!
Punch in the face: CAMILLE. She's straight off the crazy train. She actually could be somehow related to NYC's Ramona with those crazy-eyes and bi-polar tendencies.
One I'm rooting for: Taylor has me a bit on the fence. I love her commitment to activism, but I don't understand her relationship or priorities. It's clear she's struggling, but with her heart of gold I hope she can find some peace!
Housewife who should sure her plastic surgeon: Adrienne I love you but holy moly. You are just 2 steps away from looking like this lady.
The originals: Orange County
Punch in the Face: Gretchen. Her and Slade? NASTY. Her Anna-Nicole style relationship with a man on his deathbed? A bit sketchy.
Biggest Hot Mess: Tamara. She lost her mind last season. I understand her divorce was real rough, but the multiple displays of public ridiculousness earn her this award.
One I'm rooting for: Please let Lauri find some peace. She loves her family, she's found a good man to share her life with, and she had the good sense to leave the show when it became too much. Now if she could somehow get back her pre-surgery looks I'm sure I'd like her even more.
Housewife who needs Dr. Drew: Lynn. Go to therapy! You are clearly under the influence of something that is not legal.
Rock Star Housewife: Honestly? Vicki is straight off an advertisment for all sorts of perscription drugs. She needs some uppers, some downers, and some ritalin. That being said; I love that she works her butt off and is always insane. Consistency is good in this world!
New York City
Until they cast me for the Real Housewives of Minnesota; I figure it's within my rights as a superfan to chime in my two cents on the series. Bravo producers: are you listening?
Person who deserves a punch in the face: Phaedra. Give her the boot and bring back baby-makin Lisa.
Biggest Hot Mess: Kim for sure. The wig line. The anonymous rich sugar daddy. It's just too much.
One I'm rooting for: Kandy. Good lawd. This girl just needs to catch a break!
Housewife I'm over: Sheree. Your clothing line sucks. You are SUPER high maintenance, and you seem like a royal pain in the @$$. That being said, I'd kill for those arms.
Rock Star Housewive? Nene Leaks! If you're going to be crazy, at least own your insanity. I love everything about her. She's brash, she's aggressive, but at least you know where she stands.
Beverly Hills: quickly becoming one of my favorite casts!
One I'm rooting for: Taylor has me a bit on the fence. I love her commitment to activism, but I don't understand her relationship or priorities. It's clear she's struggling, but with her heart of gold I hope she can find some peace!
Housewife who should sure her plastic surgeon: Adrienne I love you but holy moly. You are just 2 steps away from looking like this lady.
Even worse? I'm pretty sure her husband is responsible for some of those operations. No good.
Rock Star Housewife: Lisa! She's legit. Her restaurants, her ridiculous dog/husband (often confused with one another I'm sure), and her smokin' hot pool boy Cedric. (Too bad he's probably not interested in most of the female race, but he's still great to look at) LOVE her and love her british accent. **Kyle is a close 2nd for me here. Love her confidence and loyalty. (Also don't mind her husband who often walks around sans-shirt)The originals: Orange County
Punch in the Face: Gretchen. Her and Slade? NASTY. Her Anna-Nicole style relationship with a man on his deathbed? A bit sketchy.
Biggest Hot Mess: Tamara. She lost her mind last season. I understand her divorce was real rough, but the multiple displays of public ridiculousness earn her this award.
One I'm rooting for: Please let Lauri find some peace. She loves her family, she's found a good man to share her life with, and she had the good sense to leave the show when it became too much. Now if she could somehow get back her pre-surgery looks I'm sure I'd like her even more.
Housewife who needs Dr. Drew: Lynn. Go to therapy! You are clearly under the influence of something that is not legal.
Rock Star Housewife: Honestly? Vicki is straight off an advertisment for all sorts of perscription drugs. She needs some uppers, some downers, and some ritalin. That being said; I love that she works her butt off and is always insane. Consistency is good in this world!
New York City
Punch in the Face: Kelly. Go away. You have CRAZY selective memory, and honestly seem WAY off your rocker.
Biggest 180: I don't know if it was the Bethenny break-up or what, but Jill really went off the deep end last year. She was crazy defensive, but also pretty harsh. Hopefully next season she'll go back to her usual witty self.
One I'm rooting for: I have to admit that LuAnn is just as wonky as the next person, but she's one of the only ones I think I could stand in real life. Even if her single sounds more like RuPaul than the Countess....
Housewife who needs Supernanny: Alex. Jill is right. Your kids are a smidge insane. And your husband? Don't even get me started.
Rock Star Housewife: Bethany! There's a reason she got her own show people. She's the only one who works for a living, and I typically agree with 94% of the things coming out of her mouth.
You were so lame I fell asleep just searching for a picture of your cast. You don't even deserve this post. Sorry bout it.....
New Jersey: Oh how I love thee.
Punch in the Face: Do I even need to say it? Danielle is NUTS. She's literally got to be clinically insane. The things she shares with her kids, her freaky "bodyguard" Danny, and her slightly sketchy past? All crazy.
One I'm embarrassed to love: Theresa is nuts. There's no way around it. But holy cow is she a pit-bull. And when she speaks Italian? Awesome. This is how I imagine J-Woww from Jersey Shore to be in 10 years. She's old school and I love it.
Housewife I'm pulling for: Jacqueline hopefully has some good things going for her. The daughter is a royal pain, but Jacqueline is one of the only slightly normal ones it seems!
Rock Star Housewife: Caroline does no wrong in my book. She's the mama-bear you don't want to piss off, and I dig it.
What cities are left? Here would be my picks for upcoming seasons.
- Dallas: Give me some southern belles, rodeo queens, and cowboy wives. I'm SURE they'd be good.
- Miami: Bring on some sizzling latinos with some sass. Guaranteed drama here.
- Vegas: I have to admit this was my husbands suggestion but he's right on. Lots of money, lots of clubs, and LOTS of former strippers. Would be a sure hit.
This might be the longest post I've ever written. Embarrassing.
Or awesome......
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