Sunday, January 23, 2011

Usually this week I would be making my husband start celebrating birthday week with me but not this year.....this year I feel like poop.  Im been sick all week and not just a little sick, we are talking levitate above bed, turn your head all the way around, something is taking over my body sick.   It started off with a sore throat and ended up with walking pneumonia.  Hubby came home on Tuesday to find me curled up in a fetal position on the couch trying to watch the kid and dog with one eye open.  Ive been in bed all week and finally today, Sunday I have a voice.  I can somewhat breath now.  Ive been too tired and weak to even type on my blog....thats sad.  I would like to say that Im up and ready to start crafting but Id be lying so give me a few more days to  get back to myself and until then may you each be free from germs.  This house is getting bleached tomorrow. 

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