Monday, October 27, 2008

I havent written in a while because Im tired, lazy and downright sick. First, Preston and I spent a few days in TN where we got a cold. The weather was so different for us that I think our bodies went into climate shut down. I had to dig out our short sleeves to wear while we were there. We had been in long sleeves, pants and jackets here in Ohio. Then upon our return I had my knee surgery. 3 days on the couch with ice on my knee and crutches is not my idea of a good time. During that time my cold got worse and now Preston and I are both getting over bronchitis. Im off the crutches and can walk normal now without a limp but the cold kicked our butts so we have been home sick for a week now. Benedryl has become our best friend and we are taking an easy so that we feel better for Halloween. Its been a rough 2 weeks for us and I hope that the end is soon to come because I miss my life that I once had. The life where my nose doesnt hurt from being rubbed with tissues all day, the life where I have energy to get up and do things, the life where we venture out into the world, the life where I dont feel like I have a benedryl hang over and the life where I can speak a sentence without coughing up a lung. I will write more and put up pics of our Halloween later in the week. For now I need to chug some more benedryl.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Counting down the days

I had my knee surgery on Tuesday and even though I wasn't nervous going in I was nervous about the pain that I had heard of that is yet to come afterwards. Only there wasn't much pain, I didn't even crack open the wonderful drugs that would of knocked me out and made me forget about just about anything that the doctor gave me. All would of been fine and dandy except that I spent a few days in TN before my surgery and brought back a nasty cold that settled into my lungs and kicked my lungs butt. So this weekend I have been in bed all day with cold/flu medicine and drinking lots of OJ. I would of never imagined that my biggest worry wouldn't be my knee at all and instead this cold. I will be glad when I'm no longer a limping smoking trucker sounding woman who actually brushes her hair and puts on clothes and ventures outside.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Carving of the pumpkins!

The Pumpkin Patch

I love this time of year that we can take the kids to the pumpkin patch. Its always so much fun and its a tradition which makes it that much more special. Each year we visit a different place. This year we went right up the road from our house.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Friends Forever means so much more than you can imagine.

Dear Jennifer,
Two years ago this month I received a call from your mother letting me know that you were in a car wreck along with your two daughters and that you and Hannah did not survive. Over these past two years not a day has gone by that I don't think about you and miss you. I have spoken to you in heaven as if you were in the room with me. After two years its not any easier. We would be emailing each other, telling one another what our kids were going to be for Halloween and sharing pictures of birthday parties and I miss having you here to do that with. When we were little we would play with your pink barbie dream house that had an elevator on the side and so when I think about you in heaven I imagine you and Hannah living in your own dream house and you even have an elevator. I can still see the notes that we would pass to one another in church and we would sign it BFF (Best friends forever). Its hard to imagine that its been two years, its hard to imagine that your other daughter Sarah is two years older since the wreck. I know if you were here and saw the tears running down my face that you would tell me to stop crying that you are in a better place and that you are happy and I should be too. One of these days I will join you in heaven and we can once again play in the dream house and pass notes. BFF you are missed!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


This is a follow up to my Way to go list post. After receiving a comment that someone thought I was being serious about the fertility pills that my parents took to have me I figured that maybe I need to follow up and say IT WAS A JOKE!!!! Fertility pills did not cause any ailments whatsoever. Fertility pills are great and I wouldn't be here without them. I started joking with my mom about taking fertility pills when I had an ailment a long long time ago. So for the person out there that thought I was being serious and God love him because he is a man, he doesn't have any children and he is furthest away from the medical field as you can get....I WAS KIDDING!!! Its a good thing your cute and your wife loves you.

P.S- My brother in law Mark would like to let it be known that he was not the one that questioned this. I mean lets face after each of you read this in the back of your mind you were all thinking "I bet it was Mark".

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How long does this last????

When my son was born I signed up for Pampers email. They would send coupons, tell me about up and coming products and articles about children that were the same age as my son. For instance when he was 6 months old I got an email stating "your son is now 6 months old, here are things he may be doing, interested in or what to watch out for". Today I got an email from Pampers stating "your son is now 40 months old". I'm curious how long I will continue to receive these emails. Am I going to still receive emails when he is 20 stating "your son is now 240 months old, he may be interested in sex, girls and alcohol so watch out".

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My knee is a loser

After getting an MRI done last Friday for my knee and seeing the orthopedic doctor again today, it is official..... I have to have surgery to fix the tear and and remove the fluid around my knee. I am not looking forward to this. The surgery doesn't bother me ... I mean lets face it I'm no stranger to a hospital after working at one, Ive had minor surgery done in the past for my lung, Ive had yucky medical procedures done and Ive given birth. In the past either someone is looking past my boobs into my lungs or at my whoha down below so atleast this time its something other than my girl parts and I don't have to worry about what bra and panties I have on. But something else is different this time. This time I have a child at home who depends upon me and its very hard to swallow knowing that the day I return back from surgery and the next day that I will be so out of it from pain pills that I wont be able to take care of my son. No I don't plan on being here alone with him during that time so don't call child services on me yet!!! As a mother you just feel and probably know deep down that no one can take care of your child better than you can. To relinquish those duties is like handing over the keys to someone else to your brand new $80,000 car that you have only driven home from the dealer, not that I know what that feels like either but it was the best comparison that I could come up with. I would say that my son is worth much more than the amount of the car but lets face it some days he just isn't. Knee surgery stinks but not being able to chase after my son and play the hulk with him stinks even more so surgery it is.