Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful husband, to my dad, to my father in law, and to my step dad. I love you all!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Table talk

Preston has been calling me "Heather" because he hears our neighbor kids calling me that so I have been correcting him over it. Here is how the conversation went at the dinner table last night.

Me: Preston tell daddy what you called me today.
Preston: (looking puzzled) Did I call you stupid?
Me : Umm no or atleast not that I heard you say.
Preston: Did I call you poopie?
Me: No and we dont say either of those words.
Preston: Oh I know I called you Heather
Me: Forget calling me Heather lets get back to where you heard poopie and stupid and why your calling me that.

I guess him calling me Heather isnt as bad as I thought since apparently his vocabulary has picked up a few more words.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kids say the darnest things-at the darnest time.

While at the local thrift store gathering up new "projects" to do, which I will post once done. My son saw a very pregnant woman walking down the sidewalk and asked if she had a baby in her butt too. Trying to keep a straight face while saying no and scooting him into the store as quickly as possible is not as easy as it sounds. He is way to observant for his age.

Monday, June 8, 2009

4 year birthday

Dear Preston,
Today is your 4th Birthday and boy time flys by. Over the past year you have certainly become a little man. You are more comfortable with yourself and others as well. You know no strangers, you will talk to anyone, you love playing with your bestfriends, your neighbors and all of the kids on the street no matter their ages. Your laugh is so contagious that just hearing it is the best part of my day with you. You still dont like chicken nuggets but you can scarf down a cheeseburger in no time, you love starbucks strawberry and cream drinks, you love pizza, and you eat more yogurt than any child I have ever seen. This year you have become more independent in riding your bike and you have no fear. You fall and get right back up. Your favorite toy is transformers and you love playing games on the computer. You are very curious and smart and you will start preschool this fall. I cant believe you will be going to school. I am so excited for you and what the future may hold. I hope you always remember your manners, to never give up, that we love you and that God has big plans for you. Happy Birthday son.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jazz the dog

Pictures of Jazz:

Monday, June 1, 2009

I wrote that during our memorial day weekend that I almost broke my toe from falling (jumping) from a bike and during that entry I stated that I would spare you the pictures....I lied. Here is a pic of my big, swollen, sore, blue, purple toe.