Saturday, January 30, 2010

Over snow

When I lived in TN I thought it was awesome to see snow, everyone would run out to the grocery stores, everything would close down from schools, to roads,to business's. Now that I live in Ohio where it seems to snow all the time and throughout the winter I barely get to see my grass.... Im no longer excited about snow. After reading comments from all of my facebook friends in TN I now laugh at how excited everyone gets about snow. I used to be like that but the excitement is gone its just another day in paradise here in Ohio with snow on the ground almost everyday of winter. No one rushes to the grocery store here because it snows all the time so more than likely you've already been. Roads and business's rarely close unless we are under a level 3 which is a blizzard. Ahh to be excited about snow once again would be nice but this gal is over it. Im ready for spring dammit

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mayor request. City domination a go I think I will change our city name to Bolinville.

Our town is developing a Charter Review Commission Board and the mayor is chosing the board members as well as alternates from the community to fill the seat in case of a vacancy. I received an email from the mayor as an alternate appointment and then he asked me to answer 3 questions for him. Really,are you kidding me. How many other residents did you ask to answer these questions. With much thought, all day and input from Dad and Lowel, thanks Dad, Lowel I will thank you later here are my answers. If chosen I will be on one more board for the city, Im already on the parks and recreation board so my plan to take over the town is coming together, haha. If you happen to see a misspelled word, fragment sentence or something that doesnt make sense please keep it to yourself cause its already gone bye bye into email world and at this point I dont want to know about it. Hopefully he likes my answers more than my grammer.

How do you feel the Villages current form of government is being run now, strong mayor vs. administrator? I feel that our Village government is more administrator than strong mayor. With that being said I believe that a Mayor at times may be required to force laws, however, we have a city council form of government. Our city council develops an overall vision for Canal Winchester. Our Village Government takes an idea and allows or appoints someone else to accomplish the idea. As an administrator government it is allowing the opportunity for residents and council to use their talents and accomplish the needs or goals of our Village vs. a strong mayor who sets the rules without input.

Would you make any changes? I would not make any changes to our current government. I believe that our community is made up of some amazing, talented persons who should be allowed to express that through our government and it allows for a diverse culture.

Do you have any concerns with the Village becoming a City as early as the Fall of 2010?
I personally do not have any concerns with our Village becoming a City, however I’m sure that with every change comes new challenges. An opportunity for new grants but more competition for those grants, new exciting changes but also new rules and regulations. There are some in the community who are afraid of losing the look and feel of our Village. I feel that you only lose that feeling when you lose your sense of community and our community is getting stronger and better each year. We have added more community activities such as the Ribfest and our Labor Day Festivities, Christmas in the Village and Art in the Park have had opportunities to grow such as our Village has but for the better.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh so true

Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater, give her sperm she will make a baby, give her a house she will give you a home, give her groceries she will give you a meal, give her a smile she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

Today is my Birthday and Im 36, Id like to say that I feel 26 but that would just be a lie. I dont however feel my age I do feel younger which is nice. Now if I could just stop waking up to this deep wrinkle that has attached itself underneath my right eye. For the first time ever I have purchased eye wrinkle cream, trust me Ive been wearing all over face wrinkle cream for months now but never just for the eye...that was until the crater decided to set up camp under the eye. Its been a hell of a year but its been a great year. Not sure if you can have hell and great in the same sentence but I think its working for me.
To kick off my birthday Im having breakfast with 2 neighbors after I drop Preston off at Pre-k cause lets face it its much more fun to have breakfast every once and a while with just ladies, no kids, no one saying I gotta go poop, no cutting up pancakes for anyone else, no sticky hands and faces and spilled chocolate milk.
After that and picking up Preston from pre-k we have a playdate at a friends house. Again if your going to have kids with you then the next best thing is 2 other women with kids so that we can do our girl thing while the kids play. Much to gossip, talk about, compliments to be thrown out and all 3 of us ladies have b-days in the same week so we will definitely be telling each other we dont look our ages and much much younger.
Later after Lowel comes home we will celebrate my birthday with the pie that I picked out and picked up because God love him the hubby can cook but cant bake.

P.S -Every year my mom calls me to tell me the story of the morning that I was born and I do mean every year and my sister calls to sing Happy Birthday to me every year. I hear from everyone in my family but I love the the yearly story and song and its the highlight of my b-day.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Cleaning, cooking, baking, snotty noses, Pre -K, gym, playdates, grocery store, bills, dog, sewing, scrapbooking, errands, snacks, playdough, laundry, restless nights, neighbors, naked 4 yr old boys, cartoons, scrubbing, driving, running, fixing, bathing, planning, crying, headaches, boo boo's, crafts, thinking, sleeping, caffeine, weight, rain, sunless....just needed to get a few things off my chest from today. I will be better tomorrow, I hope.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Staying busy

Lowel has been working 24/7 lately so Ive been trying to keep myself and Preston busy. Today I got up cleaned a bit in the house, Preston and I went to the grocery, came home put up groceries and ate lunch then went back out to the AT&T store which was closed, and then to Joann Fabrics. We have been trying to find a dog pillow that was large so that Jazz could lay on it instead of the hardwood floors and it would keep us from having to bring the one from upstairs that he sleeps on at night down each day. Every one we looked at was $40-60 for the nice fluffy ones that are like fake sheepskin. I decided that I could make one for a lot less than that so I did today and the final cost of the material and stuffing and all was only $13.00 and its the same material as the expensive ones. Now if we could just keep him from wanting to chew the corners.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Naked boy

I cant figure out why my son cant keep his clothes on. I walk into the family room and there are his pants, his shirt is on the ground in the kitchen, socks in bathroom and these are all clothes that he had on today, within the past hour, that he has now shedded. Its below 30 degrees outside and we keep our heat on 67 in the house so its not like its so hot that he needs to remove layers of clothes, if anything he needs to be adding them on. For some reason he must be in his underwear as soon as we enter the house. All of our neighbors have seen Preston at one time or another in just his underwear because he goes to the door that way when someone knocks and yet they still come back so I guess thats a good thing. Id say he gets this from his dad but he only does that when I beg for something to drink in the middle of the night. I guess at some point he will cover up and until then sorry for all of those that may see a bit more than they asked for.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Desire for a village

My husband was explaining to another husband that women need a village. It was Lowels answer to the question as to why women need or want girls night out or to see each other all the time. At first I didnt think much about his answer but it does make sense to me. I have this amazing group of girls from the gym that I have met over the past 6 months and I enjoy seeing them each day. We work out together, push each other, encourage one another and just plain have fun together. We are all stay at home moms or we work from home so right there we already have a lot in common. Ive never been one of those stay at home moms to stay. As my husband would say I have a need for a village. My village are the friends that I have made or already have and that village continues to grow and grow and the village gets stronger. Men dont have villages they have friends but I dont think they have the desire to build on as women do. I hope that if I can teach Trinity anything its to build a village. Branch out there, build on, remodel everynow and then but just keep building. Friends come and go and some stay in your lives forever but never lose the desire to build your village. Its important as a women, friend, and mother. I have enjoyed the fact that in the meantime of my desire to have a village that Preston is reaping the benefits of it as well because he has more playdates as ever and talks about his friends from the gym all the time. Its fun to watch both of lives getting better and better and I know that I couldnt of done this without my husband who wants me to be with Preston and not work right now and enjoy our lives. I guess that makes my husband the investor of my village. By the way I think my village needs a Starbucks. Thanks honey!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tickle Bear

I love the fact that Preston sleeps with my old teddy bear -Tickle Bear. He plays with it and sleeps with it at night and its so cute to watch him. Lowel on the other hand isnt a fan of Preston sleeping with a teddy bear and wasnt all that happy that I slept with Tickle Bear up until the day we had Preston. When we moved from TN to OH I think Lowel was secretly hoping that Tickle Bear would get lost and not find his way but that bear is a tropper. Im sure that if I put an Ohio State t-shirt on Tickle Bear that Lowel would feel better about the whole thing but in the meantime Im going to enjoy watching my young son play and sleep with something that brought me comfort.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ran a 5k on the treadmill today and I just about died during it however I felt so good afterwards. Im working up to running a 10k. Since its Tuesday and Preston didnt have school he went into the gym daycare, which he loves. We always talk about who he played with that day because the kids that are in there are friends of mine and do bootcamp with me. Today he looked at me and said "who's mommy did you play with today".

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy B-day

Lordy, Lordy my husband is 40 today. Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to you, your as sexier as ever and cute to boot too!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Feel yucky, am yucky, just plain yucky

Preston and I are finally feeling better after an episode of food poisoning. It snuck up on us Wednesday around 3am and it was not pretty. Poor Preston had to change clothes 4 times because of accidents. We spent the day laying around, Preston had a sick day from school, not eating and hating McDonalds (ok I was hating McDonalds, Preston will probably be asking for it this weekend). The good news is that I lost 2 pounds, the bad news is that I couldn't go to the gym yesterday or today cause I felt too weak. Preston is feeling much better and has his appetite back, I don't have my back yet which makes for a very sluggish day without food for 2 days. I made a yogurt and fruit smoothie but wasn't able to get it all down. I have lysol'ed the house down just in case so every door knob and handle has been disinfected and all clothes and towels washed in hot water. Its been a rough couple weeks here in the Bolin house with Preston getting a cold around Christmas for about 2 weeks, then I had it for a week, then food poisoning and now Lowel is feeling cold'ish. I'm tired of being sick this needs to end and quick please. Gotta get back to lysol'ing the house so hope everyone is healthy and if you are please share it with us.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This morning I got up and ran a 5k. Never actually done that without stopping for a breather but this morning I was able to do it in 28:44 minutes. Not to bad for this old gal. My girlfriends from the gym got me through it while running right along next to me on the treadmill. I have made such amazing friends from the gym since joining bootcamp. We really have fun together, push one another and encourage each other. Its been great.

Today Preston and I are watching Chip. He is a neighbors dog who lost his companion the other day and has never been without another dog. Our neighbors came home early from work the other day so that Chip wouldnt be alone all day but it wasnt feasible for them to do that each day so Preston and I went to their house packed up Chip and brought him to our house. He is sad and lonely for now but Im sure that he wont be alone soon since they are already talking about getting another playmate for him. Jazz is fascinated by this little wiener dog but Chip is just annoyed at Jazz. Its not a friendship but they tolerate one another with Jazz laying on the ground in front of the couch and Chip curled up on my lap. I think Jazz may be a tad bit jealous but its good for him to get along with other dogs as well.
I know I have spoken about all of our great neighbors in the past but I cant say enough about them. When Grandaddy died we got cards from our neighbors, we go in and out of each others homes and we all watch each others animals, kids, homes you name it. Its been a blessing to live on this court so God was definitely watching over us as we were house hunting.
Taz a new dog came to play with you her name is Pom Pom and she is a cutie so enjoy!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

After 3 weeks of having things not so right, not in order, out of routine , today we are back to normal. YEAH!!! For a person that thrives on order and routine this is a big relief for me. Dont get me wrong it was nice having hubby working from home the past few weeks and the kids home from school cause of holidays then snow days but I was ready to have things back, back to normal, well as normal as we can be. We still have snow on the ground but its tolerable. Im pretty used to it by now but every once in a while enough is enough and I long for sunny days.

This week, in fact on Friday the hubster turns 40, you heard me correct the big 40. I think its bothering him just a bit. He wont admit it but since I just wrote it then I guess the cats out of the bag. I dont want to even thin about how I will react when I turn 40 so we will just cross that bridge when it gets here.

I have a new part time job, Im going to be keeping a friends kids each Tuesday which is nice cause I can still be home with Preston, Preston has a playdate and I will have extra $ for scrapbooking, Target, Starbucks, the necessities of life. Of course my husband doesnt see scrapbooking, Target and Starbucks, as necessities and instead of hobbies or treats but since Im the one writing this entry its a necessity darn it.
Ta Ta for now!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Go away snow

Today's snow fall as of 5pm. Bring on Spring please, snow is over rated unless your a kid.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

cricut crazy

My inlaws gave me a cricut for Christmas and to say that I have broken it in would be an understatement. I am coo coo for cricut. Not only have I finished atleast 20 pages of scrapbooking in the past week I have also found other projects around the house to do. At one time we had an old free tv stand that was on its last leg so we took it apart and I have been slowly using its pieces here and there. I finished using the last 2 pieces (a small door and glass door) to create an art project with the help of my cricut. See pics. I also made a new sign for the back of our front door so you would see it as you were leaving.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

Happy New Year to ya! We had a great time at the hockey game last night with Lowels co-workers in the box seats. The Blue Jackets played the Predators and Nashville won in overtime. Today is the Rose Bowl so Im sure that it will be football time in our house tonight to watch the Buckeyes. I however am not a buckeye fan yet so I will busy myself with scrapbooking or something. I have already broke one of my new years resolutions by not eating better and instead ringing in the new year with a chocolate doughnut. It was so worth it. This past year has brought us happiness, tears, more family, sickness, health, work, house remodeling, death, and love. I am sad that we lost Grandaddy this past year, we gained a new 2nd cousin, my brother and cousin are both expecting babies, Mammy is going to an assisted living place at the age of 96 (its been a good run for her at home by herself) and the kids seem to amaze me, make me laugh and make me want to pull out my hair all at once. Im excited to see what 2010 will bring us. Its hard to believe that this year Preston will be going to kindergarten and Trinity will be in the 3rd grade. Hope everyone enjoys their day and may 2010 be good to you.