Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Yes we are alive

I know its been forever since I have written on my blog.  Work has kept me busy and I got a promotion to Executive Director for the Chamber of Commerce so now Im even more busy if thats possible.  Im amazed at moms who work, volunteer, cook, clean, have kids, sports, events, activities and Im pretty sure thats why Starbucks stays in business.

Football season came to an end this past weekend and its sad and happy times here in the Bolin house.  We love football season but happy to see it come to an end when we are worn out from it.  3 days of practice a week, 1 game a week, being involved in everything football related, all the time and effort as a football mom, volunteering numerous amounts of time, hubby as football assistant coach and director this year, its nice to finally have a break.  The boys did great with only losing 1 game the entire season. We are so proud of them!

We finally finished our house from the water damage.  The outside has new siding and the hole in the house has been fixed.  No more hole in the wall, no more water and new floors to boot!

I went and did it after I swore I wouldnt ever not ever ever....got a mini van.  Yep thats right this gal is a minivan driver.  I still have my xterra but drive the mini van as well.  The kids love it.  All of the seats fold into the floor so its like having a pickup truck inside the van.  Lots of space,nice ride and will be great on trips. 

Preston is loving school, he loves his teacher he has straight A's and really likes going....what a change from last year.  Its his fresh start from all of the medical issues and personal issues we faced last year at school.

I will try and post pics soon of stuff we have been doing.  Later Gater.