Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Art camp

Trinity started a week of art camp yesterday and I gotta say I had a hard time dropping her off. The camp is from 9-3 each day so I wasnt sure how she was going to feel about being in a new place, with new kids but boy did she surprise me. She ran out when I picked her up yesterday to tell me about her day, loved every minute of it, and didnt stop talking about it all night.

When I came downstairs this morning a few minutes before 7 here is how I found her. Dressed with shoes on and asking if it was time to go waiting for me to get in the car. I informed her that we didnt need to leave the house for almost 2 more hours and she looked sad. Im so glad that she loves it. She keeps asking every 15 minutes if its time to go. She is so excited and Im loving every minute of it and cant wait to see what she does in camp today.

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